Letters Needed: Santa Clara County is About to BAN Artificial Turf

Artificial Turf

We need YOUR help with this important action!
Please contact Susan Hinton (Susan.Hinton@lomaprieta.sierraclub.org ) if you have any questions.

Santa Clara County is about to BAN Artificial Turf! However the Plastic Turf industry is amassing counter-pressure in the County ahead of the ordinance reading on Tuesday, August 27.

Help us. Submit letters explaining why grass is better than plastic!

Personalize your letter!

TO: BoardOperations@cob.sccgov.org

Subject: Public Comment to Approve “action option b” (Ordinance VERSION A) to ban new artificial turf on County property (Agenda Item #10 on Aug. 27)

Dear President Ellenberg, Vice President Lee, and Supervisors Arenas, Chavez, and Simitian:

On agenda Item #10 of the August 27 Santa Clara County Board meeting I urge you to approve “action option b” (Ordinance VERSION A) to ban new artificial turf on County property.

As a [PARENT / GRANDPARENT / AUNT / UNCLE / COACH / TEACHER / ETC.], it’s important to me that all kids have access to safe and healthy places to play. This does not include artificial turf (plastic grass). I do not want [MY CHILDREN / GRANDCHILDREN / NIECES AND NEPHEWS / PLAYERS / STUDENTS] playing on a plastic field that exposes them to toxic chemicals, increases risk of injury, and pollutes the air and water.  

Artificial turf is a health, climate, and environmental hazard. Plastic grass absorbs heat and can reach a blistering 180° F, making the surface dangerous to touch. Children complain about heat, turf burn and painful blisters, which makes them less likely to want to play what should be a fun team sport. On hot days, it releases a pungent odor of toxic gasses. To cool and clean it, artificial turf requires watering with potable (drinking) water (the minerals in recycled water degrade the plastic), and the runoff contaminates our streams and bay. Plastic grass is made from petroleum and laden with chemicals, including PFAS and other chemicals linked to cancer and organ damage. 

Please protect our children, communities, and environment by prohibiting the new installation of artificial turf on County-owned property. 
