Action Alert: Palo Alto Airport VS. Bay Wetlands: Survey and Public Meeting

What is happening?

Airport at Baylands

Do you frequent the Palo Alto Baylands to watch birds and enjoy nature?

The City of Palo Alto is working on a Long-Range Facilities and Sustainability Plan for the Palo Alto Airport. This plan will look into potential expansion of runways and intensification of operations in the next 20 years at the Palo Alto  Airport. 

There are two ways to learn about the plan and to provide input:

  1. Submit a comment online
  2. Participate in a public meeting (June 20th) to:
  • Review facility requirements, environmental and sustainability considerations
  • Review draft airport alternatives
  • Introduce the concept of runway location and levees as a result of sea level rise

Community input and guidance will be key throughout the planning process. Please join this public meeting on the planning effort underway.  

Why is it important?

The Palo Alto Airport is adjacent to the wetlands of the Palo Alto Baylands, the duck pond, Byxbee park and San Francisquito Creek - places that serve millions of migratory birds and the people who love them. Some of the locations that are considered for expansion would take away the duck pond, wetlands, and potentially move levees to protect the airport from Sea Level Rise. 

Airport expansion, changes in runway location and levees, increase in number of flights and ongoing use of leaded fuel have an impact on birds and birders.  

What can you do?

  1. Participate in the public meeting: Thursday, June 20th, 2024,  06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
    Baylands Café @ Baylands Golf Links, 1875 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA, 94303
  2. Submit a comment online:

The Comment card asks:

  • What role does the Airport play in your life? (Please consider: do you use the airport? enjoy events there? Does it interfere with your enjoyment of birds and nature?)
  • What would you like to learn more about as part of the Palo Alto Long Range Facilities & Sustainability Plan? (Please note: your response can be  supportive or unsupportive of the plan)
  • Additional comments (Please note: your response can be  supportive or unsupportive of the plan)