Joint Letter to East Palo Alto City Council & Planning Commission


East Palo Alto City Council
East Palo Alto Planning Commission
2415 University Avenue East Palo Alto, CA 94303


Re: Ravenswood Business District Specific Plan Update

Dear Mayor Romero, Councilmembers, and Planning Commissioners,

The undersigned organizations submit these comments concerning the proposed Ravenswood Business District / Four Corners Specific Plan Update process. We work to ensure sustainable growth while protecting wetlands, open space, wildlife habitat, and other ecological and natural resources in the Bay Area. Our organizations collectively represent thousands of members in the vicinity of East Palo Alto who care about open space and nature as well as the communities that support them.

We urge the City not to increase the size of the Specific Plan Update beyond what is currently allowed under the 2013 Ravenswood Specific Plan. The harm to wetlands and the Bay shoreline habitat, increase in traffic, and risk of gentrification and displacement would not be compensated for by the community benefits proposed by the developers. Please choose the “Existing 2013 Plan/Base Scenario” and do not expand the Plan.

See the full letter online here