Bay2030 Advocate Program Articles

Like me, you probably care about the environment.  I consider a clean, sustainable environment to be a human right.  Since my college days, I’ve been involved in a number of human rights causes such as refugee relocation, South African anti-apartheid activities, redlining, and now the environment. 

About a year ago, I decided that I wanted to step up my game.  I didn’t just want to say I care about the environment.  I wanted to take action and make a difference by advocating for an environmentally sustainable world. I joined the Sierra Club and got busy. 

I began by hiking up and down the Bay area with the Singleaires.  Last year I was part of the Environmental Stewardship Program and learned about a broad range of environmental issues.  Currently, I am taking the Bay 2030 Advocacy class. This is where I get to learn from the experience of our savvy advocates about how to really make a difference in local environmental policy through writing letters to city council members, letters to the editors of local newpapers, and reaching out through social media.

So far I have learned about the history of SF Bay (it’s the largest of its kind on the western side of the Americas and an important flyway for migratory birds), the impact of sea level rise on our cities along the Bay, the importance of restoring salt ponds back to marsh, and the unique wildlife in this region.  Currently, I am learning about the Short-Eared Owl – I didn’t even know there was an owl with short ears or one that makes its nest on the ground.  If you want to step up your game, why don’t you join us?  

By Desiree Grahn