2022 Spring Fund Drive

Dear Friend, 

In this time of climate emergency, we should miss no opportunity to ensure a healthy environment. Yet everyday governments and businesses make decisions that benefit a few

Donate now!while harming many by destroying our environment.

This harsh observation could leave you hopeless except that the Loma Prieta Chapter has many examples of those who have become powerful changemakers with truly positive impacts on our future, as you be can too! Working together, with your generosity enabling and inspiring us, we can and do rise to the most demanding challenges.

That is why I invite you to join other Loma Prieta supporters, by making your most generous tax-deductible contribution. Your gift of $30, $60, $120, or more will help protect our local environment.

Your support is even more crucial now, in this time of climate uncertainty. Thanks to our donors’ support, dedicated volunteers and staff can contribute thousands of hours every year to our fight for healthy air, water, land, and open space for us, future generations, and all the other creatures that depend on it. Your gift provides the critical resources for adaptability and fast action that are needed to effectively respond to challenges, both expected and unexpected.

Throughout our region, our teams have been battling the climate emergency by influencing sound environmental policies, like “reach codes” which enable our region to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels. Currently, twenty-five cities and counties in our Chapter have adopted such wise and far-sighted policies. 

In the cities along the San Francisco Bay, our teams continue effectively advocating for strong nature-based protections against sea level rise. They also monitor building projects, like Sunnyvale’s Moffett Park, and provide advice on how to minimize negative environmental impacts, to ensure that our open space remains a safe habitat for local wildlife. 

Additionally, our volunteers help find, educate and elect the best environmental leaders for office, then continue to support and hold them accountable. Our volunteers and staff also lend their expertise to educate local environmental activists, such as Cupertino Youth Climate Action Team, in order to multiply our advocacy work. Just as importantly, our dedicated volunteers help local residents to explore and fall in love with our unique local nature, to enjoy and protect it for all. 

During the Loma Prieta Chapter’s eighty-nine year history, individual donors like you have provided most of our funding, since only a sliver of membership dues paid to Sierra Club National is returned to your chapter for local work. While this has allowed us to be independent, impartial, and effective advocates for a healthy future locally, it means that we simply cannot do the critical local environment-saving work without your support.

Please, don’t wait. Make your gift today. You will help save the health and astounding beauty of our local environment, and ourselves.

Thank you for being an essential part of our work.                                                                                      


James Eggers

James Eggers, Director 

Loma Prieta Chapter, Sierra Club