There are plenty of things interested people can do to Get Involved with UCR's Website Media:
- Post 'News' articles about local (Upper Columbia River region) nature, environmental, healthful living
- Post these articles and other UCR activities on Facebook, Twitter and other social media
- Transfer documents and pages from the previous website pages to new website pages
- Artists - make graphics, drawings etc for the UCR's media
- Photographers - take photos for UCR's photo collection (Flickr)
- Add photos to UCR's photo collection (Flicker) with CC (Creative Commons - Share Alike Non-Commercial Use)
(The photos would be used on the web, for Nature's Advocate, for other UCR materials - the more photos the better)
- Performers, Musicians, Actors, Writers, Story Tellers contribute works for the Website Media
- Make movies on UCR related issues and themes
- Put movies on the website and distribute for Public Access TV
- Be Writers, Journalists, 'News' reporters for local issues to post to the website and can be used by UCR's Nature's Advocate newsletter.
- Social Media Wizards - help get UCRs Blog posts more available on social media
- Creatives - Create UCR Media Events to get the word out far and wide
- Got more ideas for ways to involve more people to Get Involved! with UCR projects and activities - let us know.
Contact Us and get involved.