Help Wanted

Editor’s note: This story is about help needed for the Santa Barbara Group; however, if you live in Ventura County, there are also similar volunteer positions available, including being on our Executive Committee.  Contact Condor John at 805 452-2885 or

The Sierra Club covering Santa Barbara’ South Coast is welcoming people who want to make a difference for the future of our communities and our planet.

These volunteer positions don't require more than a few hours per month and can be done from home. They could include planning events, communicating with members, and keeping an eye on local government to encourage environmentally friendly transportation initiatives, among others. 

As the nation’s premier environmental group, we rely on volunteer leaders to be active and engaged in these critical areas.

If you love the outdoors, if you want to protect your community and if you want to see the planet remain healthy for future generations, roll up your sleeves and join us! 

Contact Emily Engel for more information at 805-637-1052 or

Each of the positions below may entail a few hours per month. Specific needs for the SB Group include:

Group Treasurer to track our income/expenses, attend monthly group gatherings 2nd Tuesdays at noon. 

Group Secretary to record minutes on 2nd Tuesday at noon, maybe an hour per month.

PR/Social Media Chair, which could entail reaching out to local media to promote club events, posting on social media, conducting interviews and public statements as needed.  Time: three hours per month.

Events Chair activities include planning events, organizing group participation in community events and working with other volunteers, about three hours per month.

Transportation Chair would likely include keeping notes on transit modes and experiences and sharing them with the group. Also representing the Sierra Club at local government meetings that address transportation issues and working with other groups, about three hours per month.

Membership Engagement Chair is important and would include growing and maintaining an engaged and active member/ volunteer base, welcoming new members and planning fun events for them and directing them into other volunteer roles, about three hours per month.