ANCHORAGE – Interior Secretary Zinke today signed a Secretarial Order opening the Arctic to increased oil and gas production. The Order initiates a review of the sensitive coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas…
Protecting Wildlife
Protecting Wildlife
The Sierra Club is working to protect vulnerable wildlife from the climate and extinction crises. To protect wild species-- the habitat they live and the climates they depend upon-- we are fighting to protect at least 30% of our lands by 2030.
To protect wild species-- the habitat they live and the climates they depend upon-- scientists say we must protect at least 30% of our lands by 2030.
About Our Program
As a part of the Sierra Club’s efforts to protect 30% of our natural land by 2030 as a strategy in fighting the climate crisis, we will prioritize lands that are home to our most delicate wildlife and the resourcesupon which they depend.
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Press Releases
May 30, 2017