Press Releases

April 10, 2018

Today, Politico reported that, in an attempt to cover up one of his many scandals, Scott Pruitt retaliated against and punished the career EPA staffer who approved the report Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Tom Carper referenced to demand a congressional inquiry into his around the clock security detail. The report details that the threats Pruitt has received don’t justify the 24/7 security protection he currently makes taxpayers cover.

April 10, 2018

WHAT: A Sierra Club webinar featuring a panel of bilingual border issues experts to discuss strategies to build a unified environmental front to protect communities and wildlife on the border.

WHENThursday, April 12, at 1 pm ET (12 CT)

April 9, 2018

Scott Pruitt’s hell week - and weekend - of embarrassing round the clock headlines of his ethics violations looks to be continuing this week as news breaks that he personally approved massive raises for two of his employees after previously denying doing so. In order to get ahead of the Inspector General after Pruitt’s botched Fox News interview aired, top EPA aides began looking for files that contradicted Pruitt’s statement that he did not know about the raises.

April 9, 2018

Conservation groups appeal border waiver decision.

April 9, 2018

Yesterday, Kinder Morgan announced that it will suspend work on its Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline. The controversial pipeline faces legal challenges as well as widespread public opposition across Canada and the Pacific Northwest.

April 9, 2018

“Governor Rauner should be demanding worker protections and making sure coal ash clean up isn’t left to taxpayers, rather than helping push backdoor bailouts for these corporations, like the proposed changes to Illinois’ air pollution rules and obstructing stronger coal ash protections. Out of state energy corporations who have no long term commitment to Illinois communities are no longer a good bet for our local economies and it’s time to stop picking up the tab for Rauner’s friends in big coal. Lets invest in Illinois communities, not Texan corporations. Illinois needs sustainable jobs for working families and bold economic development powered by 100% clean energy.”

April 8, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. - GOP Senator Susan Collins made clear on CNN sunday that Scott Pruitt must go, saying "On policy grounds alone, I think Scott Pruitt is the wrong person to head the EPA.”

April 7, 2018

Tonight, Donald Trump made clear he doesn’t understand how bad Scott Pruitt is making him look, as he pedaled fantasies to minimize Pruitt’s humiliating scandals and appeared ignorant of Pruitt’s own efforts to defy Trump.

April 7, 2018

The scandals for “the Kato Kaelin of Capitol Hill” are going into extra innings this weekend, as Pruitt’s corrupt behavior is reaching new levels of absurdity and obscenity, earning even more embarrassing headlines for the Trump Administration, and drawing scrutiny and pressure from across the country and across the aisle.

April 6, 2018

Let’s put this in terms that Scott Pruitt would understand: If there were a World Series for worst weeks in Washington, Scott Pruitt would be the 1927 Yankees. The only difference is his support and actual talent is more akin to the Florida Marlins. With numerous headlines on Trump’s chief of staff and other administration officials advocating for his firing, his ineffectiveness being exposed, and the fact that he’s apparently the “Kato Kaelin of Capitol Hill,” Scott Pruitt is dangerously close to being fired.