RETALIATION? COVER-UP? Pruitt Removed Staffer Responsible for Report That Undermines His Excuse for Spending $3 Million


Lauren Lantry, 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Politico reported that, in an attempt to cover up one of his many scandals, Scott Pruitt retaliated against and punished the career EPA staffer who approved the report Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Tom Carper referenced to demand a congressional inquiry into his around the clock security detail. The report details that the threats Pruitt has received don’t justify the 24/7 security protection he currently makes taxpayers cover.

Pruitt has previously re-assigned at least five other EPA staff members who raised questions over his spending habits. Pruitt’s security detail is far larger than that of any previous EPA administrator and his travel and security expenses have cost taxpayers more than $3 million. Meanwhile, the AP reported last week that Pruitt flies coach when the money is coming from his pocket.


In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

"Scott Pruitt is retaliating against hard-working EPA employees, threatening their careers simply because they are doing their jobs and trying to ensure the agency’s use of taxpayer dollars is transparent, accountable, and justified. Pruitt’s corruption is compounded by his ongoing cover-up as he scrambles to lie about why he needlessly bilked taxpayers out of millions of dollars.

“The fact that news of this removal comes just hours after Senators called for an investigation into Pruitt’s justification for heightened security makes it obvious that Pruitt is retaliating against his own staff and makes it clear that he must be held accountable. Pruitt’s corruption knows no bounds, and if he had any respect for American families or the agency he represents, he’d step down immediately.”


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