The Worst Week in Washington is the Only Thing Pruitt has Won


Jonathon Berman,

Let’s put this in terms that Scott Pruitt would understand: If there were a World Series for worst weeks in Washington, Scott Pruitt would be the 1927 Yankees. The only difference is his support and actual talent is more akin to the Florida Marlins. With numerous headlines on Trump’s chief of staff and other administration officials advocating for his firing, his ineffectiveness being exposed, and the fact that he’s apparently the “Kato Kaelin of Capitol Hill,” Scott Pruitt is dangerously close to being fired.

  • Scott Pruitt loves nothing more than to claim he’s rolled back dozens of lifesaving clean air and water protections. The New Republic reports his rhetoric doesn’t meet reality, as he’s only in the proposal stage and already facing near countless lawsuits that will stymie his attempts to pollute American communities. It turns out that Scott Pruitt’s plans are the real empty vessels.

  • It’s no secret that the White House has turned on Pruitt and his headline grabbing actions -- especially after Pruitt has now repeatedly defied their orders. In early March, Pruitt was called into the White House over what turned out to be the tip of his ethic scandal iceberg, and scolded over his penchant for first class flights. Then, Pruitt was told to lay low and not take any interviews, only to turn around and do a media tour (including the now infamous Fox News interview). But now, John Kelly is no longer telling Pruitt to shape up; instead, he’s pushing for Pruitt to be fired. It’s clear Pruitt can’t stand the heat. Now it’s time he gets out of the kitchen.

  • Perhaps the most embarrassing headline for Pruitt at the moment is that it turns out he’s being compared to the most attention craving pseudo-celebrity of the 90’s: Pruitt is the Kato Kaelin of DC. As it turns out, not only was Pruitt failing to pay his sweetheart $50 a night rent to his lobbyist landlord, but overstayed his welcome.

Pruitt is continuing to create more negative headlines for Donald Trump by the hour. His only solution is to boot Pruitt.


‘Failing’ Pruitt’s Mounting Losses

  • Pruitt and his dirty defenders may boast about his “effectiveness” at EPA. But the truth is that, in the eyes of our federal courts, Pruitt has proven totally ineffective.   

  • In the last year, he’s faced at least 8 embarrassing defeats or retreats in federal court.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

June 9, 2017 – Failing Pruitt Fails Again! This Time Trying To Withdraw Protections Against Brain-Damaging Mercury

Administrator Pruitt was forced to reinstate an EPA protection against the toxic dumping of mercury pollution, after the Natural Resources Defense Council filed suit in U.S. District Court.

July 3, 2017 – Failing Pruitt Fails Again! This Time Trying To Delay Protections Against Methane Pollution

Administrator Pruitt lost in the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C., which ruled that his attempt to delay limits on methane pollution from oil and gas facilities was “arbitrary and capricious.”

December 27, 2017 – Failing Pruitt Fails Again! This Time Trying To Avoid Protecting Kids From Lead Paint

Administrator Pruitt lost in the U.S. Court of Appeals, which ruled he couldn’t wait 6 years to propose standards to protect children from lead paint. Instead, Pruitt had to propose standards in 90 days, since “The children exposed to lead poisoning due to the failure of E.P.A. to act are severely prejudiced by E.P.A.’s delay.”

February 7, 2018 – Failing Pruitt Fails Again! This Time Trying To Ignore States

Administrator Pruitt lost in U.S. District Court, which ruled that Pruitt had failed to address a petition from the state of Connecticut for relief from downwind pollution. This, despite Administrator Pruitt saying he believed EPA needed to work better with states.

February 16, 2018 – Failing Pruitt Fails Again! This Time Trying To Delay Chemical Protections

Administrator Pruitt lost in U.S. District Court, which ruled that Pruitt had illegally delayed a protection against the carcinogenic chemical formaldehyde.

March 12, 2018 – Failing Pruitt Fails Again! This Time Trying To Ignore Protections Against Smog Pollution

Administrator Pruitt lost in U.S. District Court, which ruled that he “failed to perform a non-discretionary duty” to warn cities that their air had dangerous, and illegal, levels of harmful smog pollution.

March 21, 2018 – Failing Pruitt Fails Again! This Time Trying To Delay Protections Against Pesticides

Administrator Pruitt lost in U.S. District Court, which ruled that he illegally delayed a safeguard, the revised 2017 Certification of Pesticide Applicators rule, which protects farmworkers and children from pesticides. In their ruling against Pruitt, the court slammed him for ignoring the scientific record and for skirting transparency and public input requirements.

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