Press Releases

February 20, 2019

On February 20, the City of Tallahassee established a goal to transition to 100 percent clean, renewable energy across the community by 2050, further demonstrating the Sunshine State’s leadership in moving toward renewable energy, like solar.

February 20, 2019

MONTICELLO, UT -- The San Juan County Commission has passed two resolutions to protect Bears Ears National Monument. The first resolution rescinds all prior Commission resolutions in opposition to Bears Ears National Monument, and replaces them with a new resolution to oppose Trump’s 2017 reductions to the monument.

February 20, 2019

Alabama Power Company today announced it will retire the William Crawford Gorgas Electric Generating Plant in Walker County, which has operated on the banks of the Black Warrior River in Walker County since 1917.

February 20, 2019

Last week, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced it was pulling 20 parcels from Colorado’s upcoming quarterly lease sale on March 28th. Out of the original 14,000 acres planned for sale, just six parcels, totalling 1,092 acres, will be offered for sale.

This is a hard-fought victory for Coloradans who have mobilized their communities and pressured elected leaders to oppose the Trump administration’s reckless plans for dirty fuel extraction on public lands.

February 20, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today the Washington Post reported that the White House is assembling a “Presidential Committee on Climate Security” led by notable climate denier William Happer to tear down National Security Agencies’ assertions that climate change poses a national security threat.

February 20, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Sierra Club released a poll conducted by Global Strategy Group that shows Nevada voters overwhelmingly reject the Trump Administration’s approach -- or lack thereof -- to dealing with the climate crisis and protecting our air and water. In fact, when asked to rate the Administration's job performance on a range of issues, respondents give it its worst marks on climate and the environment. Rather, Nevada voters agree that climate change is a problem that should be addressed by federal and state government.

February 20, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Sierra Club released a poll conducted by Global Strategy Group that shows Colorado voters overwhelmingly reject the Trump Administration’s approach -- or lack thereof -- to dealing with the climate crisis and protecting our air and water. In fact, when asked to rate the Administration's job performance on a range of issues, respondents give it its worst marks on climate and the environment. Rather, Colorado voters agree that climate change is a problem that should be addressed by federal and state government.

February 20, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Sierra Club released a poll conducted by Global Strategy Group that shows Arizona voters overwhelmingly reject the Trump Administration’s approach -- or lack thereof -- to dealing with the climate crisis and protecting our air and water. In fact, when asked to rate the Administration's job performance on a range of issues, respondents give it its worst marks on climate and the environment. Rather, Arizona voters agree that climate change is a problem that should be addressed by federal and state government.

24 de enero de 2019

Donald Trump acaba de anunciar que firmará la propuesta de los congresistas demócratas de una resolución de continuidad de tres semanas para reabrir temporalmente el gobierno federal. Moments ago, Donald Trump announced he will sign Congressional Democrats’ proposal for a three-week continuing resolution, temporarily reopening the government.

February 19, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Sierra Club released a poll conducted by Global Strategy Group that shows that Americans in seven states (CO, NC, MI, MN, WA, NV, AZ, WA) overwhelmingly reject the Trump administration’s approach -- or lack thereof -- to dealing with the climate crisis and protecting our air and water. In fact, when asked to rate the Administration's job performance on a range of issues, respondents give it its worst marks on climate and the environment. Rather, strong majorities across states agree that climate change is a problem that should be addressed by federal and state government.