Sierra Club Statement on San Juan County Commission Resolutions to Protect Bears Ears National Monument


Contact: Angela Benander (202) 495-3048 or

MONTICELLO, UT -- The San Juan County Commission has passed two resolutions to protect Bears Ears National Monument. The first resolution rescinds all prior Commission resolutions in opposition to Bears Ears National Monument, and replaces them with a new resolution to oppose Trump’s 2017 reductions to the monument.

The second resolution ends the San Juan County’s attempt to intervene in the lawsuit between five Native American tribes and the Trump administration over the cuts to Bears Ears. The previous commission supported Trump’s illegal reductions, and voted to intervene on the administration’s behalf in the lawsuit.

In response, Utah Sierra Club Director Ashley Soltysiak released the following statement:

“Injustice met the Bears Ears National Monument when the Trump administration took illegal steps to rescind over 85 percent of this treasured landscape. We are ecstatic that actions are finally being taken locally and federally to restore the monument and support the will of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition. The original monument boundaries were thoughtfully crafted to safeguard the rich history and archaeological treasures of these sacred lands and should be wholly reinstated.

“We applaud Commissioners Grayeyes and Maryboy for introducing these resolutions and we will continue to support them as they lead the San Juan County Commission. Their recent election represented a historic and long overdue shift in the County Commission. Finally, the elected officials are representative of the people and the values of the community, including widespread support for the Bears Ears National Monument.”



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