Press Releases

July 21, 2020

Brookline, M.A.--The Massachusetts Attorney General office identified a need for changes to state policies by disapproving a community-led ordinance that would’ve prohibited the installation of new fossil fuel construction in Brookline. Through a bylaw, the city would have seen a 15% decrease of carbon emissions in buildings over the next 30 years. The Sierra Club filed a brief in support of Brookline.

July 21, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The House today passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Included among the provisions is a requirement that the Pentagon remove Confederate names, references, and symbols from American military bases within three years. Also included are measures to safeguard public lands and Tribal sites from an expanded military bombing range in Nevada, to protect the area around the Grand Canyon from toxic uranium mining, and to expand public lands, recreation and access in California, Colorado and Washington state. 

July 20, 2020

Washington, DC -- Late Friday evening, Congressman John Lewis, an icon of the Civil Rights Movement and representative for Georgia’s 5th congressional district for more than 30 years, passed away. 

In response, Sierra Club National Director for Policy Advocacy and Legal Leslie Fields released the following statement:

July 20, 2020

n July 10, the D.C. Circuit court ruled in favor of the Sierra Club’s lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its decision to omit Ottawa County from the agency’s list of areas across the country that are out of attainment with health-based federal ozone (smog pollution) standards. A nonattainment designation triggers stricter rules for permitting new sources of pollution, and requires that the state come up with a plan to bring the area back into attainment. The Clean Air Act makes clear that any county with pollution contributing to monitored violations of an air standard should be designated nonattainment.

July 19, 2020

Today, Morgan Stanley announced it would become the first major American bank to track and report the greenhouse gas emissions from its loans and investments as part of the bank’s own contribution to climate change.

July 17, 2020

Pinedale, WY-- Today, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission approved an updated plan to address the state’s rapidly-accelerating chronic wasting disease wildlife epidemic. The plan includes additional and more targeted monitoring for the disease statewide, and some plans to minimize artificial animal concentration areas. The plan does not address artificial winter feeding of elk.

17 de julio de 2020

La Oficina del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional emitió ayer un detallado informe sobre las grandes fallas en los proyectos de construcción del muro fronterizo de la administración Trump.

July 17, 2020

Washington, DC Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office released a report revealing major flaws in the Trump administration’s border wall projects. The report declares that the administration did not use “sound methodology” when identifying areas to be walled, failed to consider the exceedingly high cost to taxpayers, and that the administration has not proven the effectiveness of the barriers.

16 de julio de 2020

La Comisión de Apropiaciones de la Cámara de Representantes presentó su proyecto de ley presupuestario para el año fiscal 2021.

16 de julio de 2020

La administración Trump anunció detalles finales que desmantelan requisitos de revisiones ambientales de infraestructura de combustibles fósiles, proyectos madereros y otras importantes iniciativas federales en virtud de la Ley de Política Ambiental Nacional (NEPA).