Press Releases

December 23, 2020

Washington, DC -- Late yesterday, Donald Trump implied that he will not sign the massive year-end omnibus package that provides some COVID relief, funds the government, and contains significant climate and energy provisions, including the phaseout of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and clean energy tax credits for wind, solar, and offshore wind. 

December 23, 2020

Richmond, VA -- Today, the Virginia State Corporation Commission issued an order that creates a recovery mechanism for a new energy assistance program for low-income Virginians known as the Percentage of Income Payment Program, or “PIPP.” The PIPP program was included as a provision in the Virginia Clean Economy Act earlier this year with the express goal of lowering the cost of utility bills for lower-income ratepayers.  The Commission’s order leaves open crucial elements of the PIPP program, such as the size and scope of energy reduction programs and the role of electrifica

December 22, 2020

NORTHEAST– Four jurisdictions - Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Washington, DC - have signed onto a final memorandum of understanding for the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI-P), a cap-and-invest program for reducing transportation emissions in the Northeast. 

December 22, 2020

Killingly, CT -- Today, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), tasked with protecting the state’s waterways and environment, issued a draft determination approving the water quality certification for a pipeline that would fuel the controversial Killingly fracked gas plant. The proposed 2.8 mile pipeline would tear through vital wetlands and streams, including a native brook trout stream, and would destroy habitat for state-listed endangered species including the Northern long-eared owl and American bittern.

December 21, 2020

Washington, DC -- Today, Congress is voting on a massive year-end omnibus package that includes government spending, an energy package, and the Water Resources and Development Act while providing some COVID relief. 

Congressional Democrats’ efforts on appropriations led to the inclusion of:

  • $180 million increase in funding for the EPA, the second highest funding level for the Agency ever 

December 21, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Following Congresswoman Nita Lowey’s retirement announcement, House Democrats elected Representative Rosa DeLauro to take her place as Chair of the House Appropriations Committee.  

December 21, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, as a part of a broader omnibus package, Congress, led by Senator Tom Carper and Congressional Chair Frank Pallone and joined by Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi, will pass the American Energy Innovation Act with an amendment to phase out hydrofluorocarbons at a national level. The amendment requires EPA to implement an 85 percent phase down of the production and consumption of HFCs, so they reach approximately 15 percent of their 2011-2013 average annual levels by 2036.

December 21, 2020

Congress has included $1.375 billion in funding for border wall construction in this year's appropriations package. This request comes just days before President-elect Biden takes office. Biden has publicly mentioned several times his administration will not build another mile of border wall. Border groups are pushing back and calling on Congress to deny all funding for future wall construction, citing harm to communities, landscapes and wildlife. Read the coalition of organizations’ opposition of the funding and call for restoration and mitigation of the borderlands.

December 21, 2020

On Friday, the Oregon Public Utility Commission denied PacifiCorp the ability to charge its customers for capital expenditures at its Jim Bridger coal plant, ruling that the utility failed to consider more affordable strategies for complying with the federal Clean Air Act, including retiring the plant. Pacific Power customers in Oregon will see a 1.6 percent decrease in their monthly rates as of Jan. 1, 2021 due in part to these avoided costs.

December 21, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Last night, a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee was quietly removed from the National Statuary Hall Collection at the United States Capitol. The statue was one of two statues in the collection representing the Commonwealth of Virginia. The other statue depicts George Washington. Gov. Ralph Northam announced that Virginia would seek to replace the Lee statue with a statue to civil rights activist Barbara Johns, who as a teenager led a student boycott against school segregation.