Press Releases

January 11, 2022

This morning, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it will require utilities in several Midwestern states to clean up their coal ash waste. Coal ash is toxic waste produced by coal-burning power plants.

January 11, 2022

The Biden administration announced yesterday that it will reverse a Trump administration policy that opened up millions of acres in the Western Arctic for oil drilling.

January 10, 2022

In a filing late Friday, the Biden administration's U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) defended two Trump-era resource management plans (RMPs) that failed to comply with a court order to account for impacts from burning publicly-owned coal, including on public health, and to consider alternatives that limit coal leasing on public lands in the Powder River Basin – the largest coal-producing region in the country.

6 de enero de 2022

Hoy, mientras el país conmemora el aniversario del violento ataque contra el Capitolio Federal, el Sierra Club de nuevo urge al Senado a proteger y reforzar la democracia aprobando la Ley de Libertad para Votar, la Ley John Lewis de Avance de los Derechos del Votante (VRAA) y la Ley de Protección de la Democracia Estadounidense.

January 5, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, as the country marks the one-year anniversary of the violent attack on the US Capitol, the Sierra Club again calls on the Senate to protect and strengthen our democracy by passing the Freedom to Vote Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), and the Protect Our Democracy Act. These critical federal laws will preempt the hundreds of bad state bills that could otherwise keep millions of people from voting in upcoming elections, put in place more checks and balances, prevent presidential abuse of power as we saw under the Trump administration, and prevent future attempts to undermine and attack our elections.

January 5, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leading environmental organizations are calling on President Biden and the Senate to act with urgency and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act on the one year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

January 5, 2022

Albany, New York — Against the backdrop of surging COVID-19 infections and increasingly severe climate change events, Governor Hochul delivered a State of the State address that made significant commitments to advance clean drinking water, restore wetlands and natural habitats, advance renewable energy, ramp up electric vehicle infrastructure and protect public health from harmful emissions that are intensifying the climate crisis.

January 5, 2022

Richmond, Virginia– Governor-elect Youngkin announced today his nomination of Andrew Wheeler, former coal lobbyist and head of the Environmental Protection Agency under the Trump administration.  As head of EPA, Wheeler oversaw unprecedented federal rollbacks of environmental protections related to air and water quality. 

In response to the Wheeler nomination, Kate West, Director of the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, issued the following statement: 

4 de enero de 2022

Según un informe de Reuters, Toyota se ha convertido en la mayor empresa automotriz de Estados Unidos, al sobrepasar a GM en ventas en 2021. GM había sido el líder nacional desde 1931.

4 de enero de 2022

Mientras el senado vuelve a sesionar, el Sierra Club urge a los líderes parlamentarios a cumplir con la promesa de la mayoría democrática y a aprobar urgentemente legislación para reconstruir mejor y proteger los derechos del votante, en medio de la incesante obstrucción de los congresistas republicanos.