Press Releases

March 10, 2022

Today, Sierra Club appealed the Wisconsin Public Service Commission’s unlawful approval of We Energies proposal for new Liquified Natural Gas storage (LNG) facilities in Ixonia and Bluff Creek. The Sierra Club appeal challenges the PSC’s failure to adequately consider clean energy and efficiency alternatives such as weatherizing homes and incentivizing industrial users to cut use during peak heating days. The evidence before the PSC demonstrated that the LNG facilities will raise bills and invest in long-lived fossil fuel infrastructure, which is inconsistent with federal and state policies calling for a reduction in gas use. The LNG facilities would meet a peak demand for gas that is unlikely to occur and, if it did, could be met with much less expensive alternatives like efficiency and customer incentives.

March 10, 2022

Houston, TX – Today, in a speech to the fossil fuel industry at CERAWeek, EPA Administrator Michael Regan previewed the Biden Administration’s plans for safeguarding communities from deadly and dangerous power plant pollution. 

10 de marzo de 2022

Pese a estar prohibidos, los aclaradores de la piel con niveles ilegales de mercurio siguen vendiéndose por los mayores comerciantes del mundo a consumidores que lo desconocen, de acuerdo con un reporte de Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) publicado hoy.

March 9, 2022

BRUSSELS -- Despite being banned, skin lighteners with illegal levels of mercury are still being sold by some of the world’s biggest online retailers to unsuspecting consumers, according to a new Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) report released today. More than 100 products purchased from sites including eBay and Amazon tested positive for mercury levels well above the one part per million (ppm) limit mandated by the global UN Minamata Convention and US safeguards for cosmetics. Of those products, seven contained between 2.8 to 12,418 ppm of mercury and were easily purchased from the US on eBay and delivered to a US address.

9 de marzo de 2022

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental finalizó hoy la regla que restaura la excepción a la Ley de Aire Limpio para California que le permite establecer estándares de contaminación climática más exigentes que los federales. La regla también permite a California adoptar estándares de cero emisiones para vehículos ligeros.

March 9, 2022

CALIFORNIA - Today, President Biden’s EPA restored a key tool to address pollution from the transportation sector, the nation’s leading source of climate-disrupting pollution.  

March 9, 2022

MINNESOTA - Today, President Biden’s EPA restored a key tool to address pollution from the transportation sector, the nation’s leading source of climate-disrupting pollution.  

March 9, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the EPA finalized its rule reinstating California’s Clean Air Act waiver allowing it to set greenhouse gas standards more protective than federal standards and to adopt zero-emissions standards for light-duty vehicles, reversing an illegal and unprecedented waiver revocation by the previous administration that threatened our climate and the well-being of communities around the country. 

March 8, 2022

Today, 120 organizations sent letters to the six biggest American banks urging them to stop lending and support for new and expanded gas export facilities, citing environmental justice and climate concerns as well as rising home heating costs for American communities being driven by the rise in exports.

7 de marzo de 2022

La Agencia Federal de Protección Ambiental (EPA) anunció una propuesta para reducir las emisiones de camiones pesados, una fuente significativa de contaminación del aire que impacta desproporcionadamente a latinos y otras comunidades de color.