Press Releases

24 de marzo de 2022

El Presidente Biden y la presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen anunciaron hoy el desarrollo de planes para ayudar a la Unión Europea a acabar con su dependencia de gas fósil ruso en respuesta de la invasión de este país a Ucrania.

March 24, 2022

Early this morning, President Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the development of plans to help the EU end its reliance on Russian gas in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The announcement lays out strategies to both expand the supply of US-produced gas to Europe and reduce Europe’s need for fossil fuels, though the latter is light on details about how this would be achieved or whether it includes investments in false solutions like blue hydrogen.

March 24, 2022

Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) gathered for its monthly meeting. At the meeting, the commissioners discussed updates to FERC’s recent policy statements on pipeline reviews, as well as voting to approve expansions of three fracked gas pipelines.

March 23, 2022

The Biden administration is reportedly in talks with European Union leaders about expanding the supply of US-produced gas to Europe as the EU looks to end its reliance on Russian gas.

March 23, 2022

Trenton, NJ – Today, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) unanimously approved a petition by utility company Atlantic City Electric to modify the power purchase agreements for the Logan and Chambers coal-fired power plants, paving the way for retirement of the last two coal plants in New Jersey by the end of May. The owner of the plants, Starwood Energy, plans to decommission the plants and work with a clean energy developer to bring renewable energy projects to the sites.

22 de marzo de 2022

Por años, el Sierra Club ha promocionado estatal y federalmente mejores salvaguardas para el agua y en contra de la toxicidad, y ahora redobla sus esfuerzos con esta nueva campaña para usar sus recursos nacionales y así amplificar y expandir sus esfuerzos locales.

March 21, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, on World Water Day, the Sierra Club is launching its new Clean Water, Toxics, and Resilience Campaign. For years, the Sierra Club has pushed for stronger water and toxics safeguards at both the state and federal level, and now the Club is redoubling its efforts with this new campaign to bring the national organization's resources to amplify and expand local efforts. Our program will build bottom-up strategies to address complex issues related to water quality, water management, pollution prevention, toxic chemicals, and climate resilience.

March 21, 2022

Trees and forests are essential for taking on the damaging effects of the climate crisis and for maintaining healthy communities and ecosystems. Last week, Congress took major steps towards supporting essential forestry and tree-planting programs that will make our communities more resilient to extreme weather and build up the critical green infrastructure we need to capture carbon and take on climate change. On this International Day of Forests, Sierra Club is calling on Congress and the White House to act to protect one of our greatest climate solutions: trees.

March 21, 2022

With its scientifically proven benefits to physical and mental health, one solution to the national youth mental health crisis is to encourage youth access to nature and the outdoors. Multiple studies demonstrate nature can help relieve depression and anxiety in youth, and even help heal their traumas, with positive effects on physical and mental health, boosting concentration, improving social skills and even helping kids perform better in school.

March 21, 2022

Several faith, environmental, social justice and consumer advocacy groups have formed a coalition, Energy for All, in response to the widespread distress and hardship in our community caused by exorbitant CenterPoint bills and the utility’s intent to raise rates even more.