Press Releases

December 8, 2022

Topeka, KS – It has been reported that TC Energy’s (formerly TransCanada) Keystone pipeline has sprung yet another leak, this time in Washington, Kansas. The size of the spill is still unknown. But oil has spilled into a Kansas creek.

December 8, 2022

Sierra Club and Environmental Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against EPA challenging the agency’s failure to satisfy its duty under our nation’s clean air laws to protect people and communities from the dangerous pollution emitted by new gas-burning power plants.

8 de diciembre de 2022

60 Organizaciones Envían Carta a la Administración Biden urgiéndole realizar una limpieza segura y expedita de lugares federales contaminados con los venenosos compuestos PFAS.

December 8, 2022

On Wednesday, December 14th at 5:00 p.m. ET, a delegation of Indigenous community leaders and Greater Chaco protectors are traveling from New Mexico to Washington, D.C. to speak about the threats the Greater Chaco Landscape faces from oil and gas extraction at the D.C. premiere film screening of Our Story: The Indigenous Led Fight to Protect Greater Chaco.

8 de diciembre de 2022

La Corte Suprema empezó las sesiones de argumentos orales sobre Moore vs Harper, un crucial caso relacionado con los distritos electorales procedente de Carolina del Norte.

December 7, 2022

MANHATTAN, NY -- Today, the  New York City Council voted to approve Resolution 169. The resolution calls on the Climate Action Council and the Governor to draft and implement a final Climate Action Council Scoping Plan that commits to meeting New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) targets while taking bold climate and environmental justice action in New York.

December 7, 2022

MILWAUKIE, ORE. — In a major step toward healthier and more affordable new homes, the Milwaukie City Council voted last night to join a growing number of communities in advancing measures to transition homes and buildings from fossil fuels to electricity for heating and cooking.

The measures approved by the city include: 

December 7, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Moore v. Harper, a redistricting case out of North Carolina that could have severe implications for how our voting maps are drawn, voting rights, and the future of our democracy itself. If the Court accepts the radical and fringe Independent State Legislature Theory at the center of the case, it will effectively strip state courts and governors of the authority they have traditionally been afforded under state constitutions to strike down anti-democratic and unconstitutional legislative maps, and could even allow partisan state legislatures to set their own rules for presidential and congressional elections, absent any state checks or balances.

December 7, 2022

World’s second largest asset manager announces it is leaving Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative

December 7, 2022

The first ever Federal Buildings Performance Standard was announced today by the Biden-Harris Administration to cut pollution from buildings and lower the government’s energy costs through energy efficiency upgrades and electrification. Buildings contribute more than 25% of the federal government’s greenhouse gas emissions, so this is an important step towards achieving climate goals and making federally owned buildings clean and healthy.