
October 3, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, the Sierra Club launched a new version of their groundbreaking report and interactive tool, The Dirty Truth About Climate Pledges

30 de septiembre de 2022

El Estado de Nueva York anunció hoy el inicio del proceso de adoptar el programa Avanzado de Carros Limpios II, el cual ayudará a que haya más carros eléctricos disponibles para los neoyorquinos.

22 de septiembre de 2022

El Senado aprobó por 69 votos a favor y 27 en contra la Enmienda de Kigali al Protocolo de Montreal, finalizando un proceso que empezó con un acuerdo de 150 países en 2016.

September 8, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Biden recently announced that John Podesta will serve as Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation. Current National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy will step down from her position, and Ali Zaidi will be promoted to Assistant to the President and National Climate Advisor.

August 29, 2022

Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Healthy Gulf and Sierra Club filed a petition to the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources to require a Coastal Use Permit for the fracked gas export terminal Plaquemines LNG that is under construction in Southern Louisiana. The organizations detail many issues with the plant, including the negative impacts that it will have on Black and Indigenous communities, the destruction of disappearing and vulnerable wetlands, and the fact that it is being built in an active hurricane zone prone to severe flooding.

August 11, 2022

The House passed the largest investment ever in climate and clean energy, sending the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) to President Biden’s desk for signing. This historic legislation directs $369 billion to over 100 programs that together will chart a path to reducing emissions by 40 percent by the end of the decade.

July 27, 2022

Today, the fossil fuel company NextDecade announced its deal to supply 1 million tons of fracked gas a year for 20 years from its proposed Rio Grande LNG export project and the associated Rio Bravo Pipeline in Brownsville, Texas to Exxon Mobil. Companies like NextDecade and Exxon Mobil push greenwashed marketing campaigns that promote fracked gas as a “clean fossil fuel” and minimize its environmental justice and climate impacts.

July 27, 2022

Today, the House National Resources Committee held a legislative markup of the Environmental Justice for All Act. The bill, introduced by Reps Raúl M. Grijalva and Donald McEachin is the most significant effort by the federal government to address generations of environmental racism.

25 de julio de 2022

El Servicio Forestal del Departamento de Agricultura inició hoy un acto de emergencia para proteger las secoyas gigantes en un área de 13.000 acres.

15 de julio de 2022

Anoche se reportó que el Senador Manchin ha abandonado los esfuerzos por lograr cruciales inversiones en la acción climática, energía limpia y justicia ambiental.

30 de junio de 2022

La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos emitió esta mañana su decisión sobre el crucial caso West Virgina v EPA sobre la acción climática.

29 de junio de 2022

Varios grupos climáticos y de conservación presentaron anoche una demanda contra la reanudación por parte de la administración Biden de los arrendamientos de explotación de petróleo y gas en terrenos públicos, los primeros desde que el Presidente suspendió dichos arrendamientos al poco de asumir su mandato.