Edward Smith, edward.smith@sierraclub.org
Jefferson City, Mo – On Monday, the Missouri House of Representatives is poised to bypass its democratic role in the legislative process to do the bidding of the state’s monopoly electric utilities. Senate Bill 4 could increase utility bills by more than $1,000 annually for millions of Missourians at the same time President Trump’s trade war could cost the average family more than $2,000 annually on everyday products. Senate Bill 4, a 133 page omnibus bill that changes several laws related to utilities, passed the Senate and awaits a hearing in the House of Representatives on Monday, March 10, 2025.
While changing the day the Utilities Committee normally meets from Wednesday to Monday is unusual, the major red flag is that the committee will both hold the hearing and vote on the bill the same day. Traditionally, a committee will hear a bill one week and vote on it the following week. This process gives committee members an opportunity to hear from supporters and opponents during the hearing, digest the information, think about amendments, and hear from their constituents and lobbyists before casting a committee vote. The House Utilities committee is bypassing this process to fast-track Senate Bill 4, even though a dozen weeks remain in the legislative session. Sources in Jefferson City believe the bill will be on Governor Kehoe’s desk by the end of next week.
Missouri utilities donated more than $400,000 to Governor Kehoe’s campaign for his election last year. Senator Cierpiot, sponsor of Senate Bill 4, is the largest legislative recipient of campaign contributions from Missouri utilities, collecting more than $80,000 for his campaign coffers. That’s more than double any other state legislator. Amending any Senate-approved bill in the House means it would go back to the Senate for additional consideration, and potentially a conference committee. Passing the bill without amendments would send it straight to Governor Kehoe’s desk.
Statement from Gretchen Waddell Barwick, Missouri Chapter Director for the Sierra Club:
“President Trump’s trade war and state lawmakers who support Senate Bill 4 will collectively squeeze every penny out of hard-working Missourians who deserve more from their elected officials. Lawmakers are undermining the democratic process to rush Senate Bill 4 through the legislative process because it guts longstanding consumer protections while massively increasing utility bills and fossil fuel pollution. This is an insane abuse of power and the democratic process, and Missourians deserve better.”
Statement from Elyse Schaeffer, Policy Coordinator for the Missouri Coalition for the Environment:
"Senate Bill 4 will irrevocably change the energy landscape of Missouri for the worse. Our state does not need fast tracks for methane gas, easier mechanisms for utility monopolies to raise rates, or discounts for large corporate energy users. We need aggressive investment in renewable energy production and utility scale battery storage to provide Missourians relief from exorbitant bills and excruciating heat. Continuing to favor corporate interests in the production of gas energy ignores the severe health and financial impacts faced by residents across the state.”
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