Ginny Roscamp, Deputy Press Secretary, Federal Communications,
WASHINGTON, DC – Representatives Valerie Foushee (D-NC) and Max Miller (R-OH) have reintroduced a bill titled IMPACT Act 2.0, which is aimed at transforming the cement, concrete, and asphalt industries by promoting the research, development, and implementation of cutting-edge technologies to reduce emissions and improve performance.
The Sierra Club is endorsing IMPACT Act 2.0, which seeks to bolster the competitiveness of American production while addressing the urgent need to lower greenhouse gas emissions and health-harming pollution. The public sector is the largest purchaser of cement, asphalt, and concrete. By commercializing low-emissions manufacturing with tools like advanced market commitments, the bill gives states the ability to signal to the private sector that high-tech practices warrant investment.
In response to the news, representatives from the Sierra Club’s Industrial Transformation campaign and the North Carolina chapter released the following statements:
“IMPACT Act 2.0 is the epitome of good industrial policy. This bill supports nationwide economic interests, environmental protection, and community health and jobs by giving states the option to help U.S. innovators commercialize cutting-edge cement, concrete, and asphalt manufacturing capabilities. Rather than rely upon excessive government spending, the bill will signal to industry and investors that clean American manufacturing is a safe bet,” said Harry Manin, Deputy Legislative Director for Industrial Policy & Trade at the Sierra Club.
“Thank you to Rep. Foushee and Sen. Tillis for prioritizing the discovery and manufacture of high-performance, emissions-free, and pollution-free cement, concrete, and asphalt. Each year, North Carolina spends billions of dollars to build and repair road infrastructure. Bipartisan legislation like this will give the state more opportunities to buy environmentally friendly building materials. It will also drive private-sector investments into Research Triangle and homegrown companies to combat climate change, improve public health, and create good jobs,” said Chris Herndon, North Carolina Chapter Director at the Sierra Club.
IMPACT Act 2.0, which was first introduced in July 2024 and endorsed by the Sierra Club, follows the reintroduction of the IMPACT Act earlier this month. The IMPACT Act addresses research and development into cement technologies, while IMPACT Act 2.0 gives state Departments of Transportation the ability to confirm to innovative producers that they will buy their low carbon cement, asphalt, and concrete if it is made.
Together, IMPACT Act 2.0, the IMPACT Act, and the Concrete and Asphalt Innovation Act (first filed by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) in December 2023, endorsed by the Sierra Club, and reintroduced today) represent bipartisan consensus on the opportunity for the United States to decarbonize heavy industry, create jobs, and profit by becoming the global leader in high-tech production techniques.
About the Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit