Sierra Club Endorses Modern Steel Act, Led by Rep. Ro Khanna, to Revolutionize US Iron and Steel Industry


Ada Recinos, Deputy Press Secretary, (Pacific Time)

Johnstown, Pennsylvania – Today, Rep. Ro Khanna unveiled the Modern Steel Act at a press conference, marking a pivotal step towards revolutionizing the iron and steel industry in the United States. This groundbreaking legislation will aim to reduce toxic pollution, combat climate change, advance security, and protect and create good-paying union jobs for American workers.

Industrial Campaign Director CeCe Grant, provided remarks at the event stating, “With clean manufacturing, we no longer have to choose between building a strong economy, creating good-paying jobs, and ensuring clean air and water in our communities. Due to investments from the Inflation Reduction Act, we have the technology, the workforce, and the capital we need to transform our industrial sector. 

“The only thing we need now, is courage and innovation from leaders like Congressman Ro Khanna, to step into a more sustainable future. Being an environmentalist is not just about saving polar bears. It’s also about the rebirth of our domestic manufacturing in places like western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. It’s about reinvesting in communities that have been left behind,” Grant shared.

Following the press event, Tom Schuster, Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter Director said,“Pennsylvanians have paid dearly for the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs and are hesitant to reinvigorate industries that will expose communities to dangerous pollution. This new bill acknowledges our history and aspirations. It promises a future where the steel industry is not only creating safe and reliable workplaces but also abiding by a social contract with the wider community. After over a century of corporate-driven decision-making that rarely incorporated the community’s needs, there is a long road ahead. The investments in this bill will work towards addressing public health issues, preserving our shared natural resources, and enhancing the community’s sense of agency. We take this as the first step forward. In that spirit, we invite industry to engage in an ongoing and frank conversation with the community on how we might build a better future together.” 

“This bill is an investment in the future of our nation and our planet," GASP Executive Director Patrick Campbell said. "As we combat the climate crisis, it's imperative that every sector – from industry players and government agencies to businesses and nonprofits – do their part to reduce emissions that we know are damaging to both our public health and our ambient air. When it comes to climate impacts, we're truly all in this together, and it's long past time we take bold collective action."

"The Breathe Project fully endorses the new initiative, particularly praising the provisions that emphasize the transition to green hydrogen and the clear timeline to achieve 100% green hydrogen usage,” The Breathe Project’s Executive Director Dr. Matthew Mehalik shared. “We also commend the bill's focus on air quality issues and the Environmental Justice provisions that address the needs of communities affected by operating steel facilities."


Steel and iron production are responsible for up to 9% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, yet these products are essential for the transition to reliable clean energy technologies. The United States currently boasts one of the least carbon-intensive steel sectors among counterparts and competitors due to its high recycling rates. However, the use of coal for new iron production remains a significant climate and public health issue harming communities and diminishing American competitiveness overseas. Due to the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure law funding for large scale demonstration projects, the US is primed to build some of the most advanced steel and iron facilities in the world. Informed by these projects and close collaboration with industry, workers, and advocates, Khanna’s Modern Steel Act positions the US as the leader in the global fight against climate change, ensuring the country reemerges at the forefront of industrial innovation.

Key Provisions of the Modern Steel Act:

  • Federal Cost-Sharing: The bill provides financial support for innovators to build productive new facilities that make iron and steel with significantly fewer greenhouse gasses and toxic releases.
  • Equipment Upgrades: Existing mills will receive support to replace outdated equipment with modern, cleaner technology, dramatically reducing emissions.
  • Tax Incentives: Producers of low-emission iron and steel will benefit from tax credits, ensuring the long-term success of green innovations and protecting existing hydrogen investments.
  • Labor Standards and Training: The bill mandates high labor standards and requires training programs for local workers, ensuring they are prepared for new and upgraded facilities.
  • Community Agreements: Funding recipients must establish legal agreements with host communities, outlining expected services and reciprocation for public resources.

The Sierra Club’s Industrial Transformation Campaign is hosting a town hall event July 31, 2024 at 6:30 PM ET / 3:30 PM PT featuring a panel of esteemed speakers and grassroots leaders, including Congressman Khanna, discussing the critical industrial investments needed to transform our nation’s economy. Speakers will address key provisions of the bill and actions Sierra Club will lead to make it law. 

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit