Governor Jared Polis Signs Major Climate and Energy Bills Into Law

New Laws Build Path Toward 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Electrifying Transportation in Colorado

Sumer Shaikh, 774-545-0128,

ARVADA, Colo. - Governor Jared Polis of Colorado signed seven major new bills into law today that will significantly transform Colorado’s energy and environmental landscape, and are a strong first step to reach 100% clean, renewable electricity across the state. The bills signed by the Governor today are seven out of many total climate or clean energy-related bills he’s signing throughout the week.

After years of slow progress on climate and clean energy in the state Capitol, the Colorado Sierra Club mobilized its 100,000 members and supporters across Colorado to encourage Governor Jared Polis to establish a 100% renewable energy campaign platform, and to flip the state senate so both chambers in the Colorado legislature had a pro-conservation majority. After today's passage of the strongest climate and clean energy legislation in recent Colorado history, the Colorado Sierra Club looks forward to continuing to support the Polis administration in formalizing a commitment to 100% clean electricity, and achieving a just and equitable transition to clean, renewable energy across the state.

“Coloradans have been waiting for climate leadership, and the leaders that Coloradans sent to the Capitol delivered on their promises to take action,” said Jim Alexee, Director of the Colorado Sierra Club. “The legislation passed in the 2019 legislative session sets Colorado on a path to reach Governor Polis’ goal of powering our state with 100% renewable energy.  The Colorado Sierra Club supported legislation that moves us forward by supporting energy industry workers, meeting the demands of electricity customers, and cutting pollution so our kids and grandkids can enjoy Colorado for generations to come.”

Governor Polis signed the following bills into law:

  • HB19-1261: Climate Action to Reduce Pollution (Becker/Jackson - Winter/Williams)

  • HB19-1231: Appliance Standards (Froelich/ Kipp - Lee/Priola)

  • HB19-1260: Building Energy Codes (Kipp/Valdez - Winter/Priola)

  • HB19-1272: Housing Authority Property in Colorado New Energy Improvement District (Bird - Winter/Priola)

  • SB19-236: Public Utilities Commission Reauthorization (Garcia/Fenberg - Hansen/Becker)

  • HB19-1003: Community Solar Gardens Modernization Act (Hansen/Valdez - Foote/Story)

  • SB19-096: Collect Long-term climate change data (Hansen - Donovan)

Colorado’s newest laws will give the state critical tools to meet its ambitious - and necessary climate goals. The Colorado Sierra Club particularly mobilized its members on new policies that create support for coal plant workers and communities affected by the state’s energy transition, and oversight over Tri-State Generation and Transmission, the state’s most coal-dependent and costly utilities.

“For far too long Tri-State has had free reign to overburden their customers with high rates due to their overinvestment in increasingly expensive coal. Finally, rural Coloradans can start to have access to local, affordable, and clean energy,” Anna McDevitt, Senior Campaign Representative at the Sierra Club said. “The bills signed into law today will provide Colorado’s electric consumers with access to renewable energy opportunities and all the health and local economic growth benefits that come from the industry.”  

Governor Polis will close out his week of climate action by signing important bills to expand electric vehicle access to more Coloradans into law. The first executive order of the Polis Administration prioritized expanding EVs in Colorado, and policies like the extension of EV tax credits and creating more EV charging infrastructure will move Colorado closer to its goals.

“Cars and other forms of transportation are rapidly catching up to power plants as Colorado’s next major source of carbon pollution,” said Emily Gedeon, Conservation Program Director with the Colorado Sierra Club. “The bipartisan work that happened in the 2019 legislative session to open the door for cleaner, electrified transportation in Colorado will help us deal with the major pollution issues we’re facing along the state’s Front Range.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit