Labor, Environmental, and Consumer Groups Hold Telepresser on NAFTA


Cindy Carr, (202) 495-3034 or


Washington, DC -- Today at 2pm, shortly after the Trump administration formally notified Congress of his intent to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), labor, environmental, and consumer groups will hold a telepresser, laying out a vision for replacing NAFTA with a new trade deal that prioritizes people and the planet over corporations. The groups joining the call are the Sierra Club, AFL-CIO, Public Citizen, and Natural Resources Defense Council, with moderation by the Citizens Trade Campaign -- some of the many organizations that led the successful fight against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


Following a brief discussion by the panelists, reporters will have an opportunity to ask questions.


WHAT: A telepresser on NAFTA renegotiation and what reforms must be made to the existing trade agreement to support good jobs, healthy communities, and a clean environment


WHO: Ben Beachy, Senior Policy Advisor, Sierra Club; Thea Lee, Deputy Chief of Staff, AFL-CIO; Amanda Maxwell, Director, Latin America Project, NRDC; Lori Wallach, Director, Global Trade Watch, Public Citizen; Arthur Stamoulis, Executive Director, Citizens Trade Campaign


WHEN: 2 p.m. eastern


CONTACT: 800-895-1549 or 785-424-1057; Conference ID: NAFTA


For additional information, please contact Cindy Carr at
