Become a Water Defender! A Water Defender is an empowered community advocate who is passionate about improving protections for clean water in the Delaware River Watershed.
Water Defenders will receive training on how to have impactful voices in policymaking; on conducting water quality outreach to the community; and on incorporating best practices for water conservation at home.
Our goal is to move the needle on improving water quality in the Delaware River Basin through outreach, conservation, and advocacy. Join us!
Get outdoors and enjoy your local waterways! Join one of our upcoming hiking, biking or paddling outings .
Make your voice heard! Contact your local elected officials and tell them you support clean water protections. Find your representative.
Incorporate simple changes at home like planting natives, installing a rain barrel, and saving your grass clippings.
Get your hands dirty and your feet wet! Attend an educational program or participate in hands-on conservation projects .
Become a Water Defender and champion water issues in your community.