Please Welcome Our New ExCom Officers!

Chair:  Christopher Shepherd
Vice Chair: Jim Wylie
Treasurer (Interim): Christopher Shepherd
Secretary: Lisa Anzalone

Chair: Christopher Shepherd

Chris has been a Sierra Club volunteer since 2008, is the current Chair, Allegheny Group, and was the 2014-2018 Treasurer, Allegheny Group.  Chris lives in Upper Saint Clair, PA outside Pittsburgh.

Vice Chair: Jim Wylie

Jim Wylie is a clean energy advocate living in West Chester, Chester County. Jim is a member of Southeastern Pennsylvania Group ExCom and the Chester County Environment and Energy Advisory Board. He is also an at-large delegate to the Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter ExCom.

Treasurer (Interim): Christopher Shepherd

Secretary: Lisa Anzalone

Lisa is a recent Sierra Club volunteer embarking on her one-year anniversary this March. She is PAC Treasurer, ExCom Secretary and Compliance Officer. She is a member of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Group and lives in West Goshen Township (West Chester, PA).

This blog was included as part of the February 2023 Sylvanian newsletter. Please click here to check out more articles from this edition!