side by side


By Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton

Marilyn Shoemaker Hazelton is a poet and essayist, a former president of Tanka Society of America, and  was the editor and publisher of red lights, an international tanka journal. Her tanka have been published in Ribbons, Gusts, Magna Poets, moonset, Atlas Poetica, Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose, Simply Haiku, moonbathing, Skylark, Bright Stars, Take Five (volumes 2, 3, 4), The Sacred in Contemporary Haiku, Beyond the Grave, and The Tanka Journal.

as ice & bossy winds
barren branches embrace
the cloud-capped sky
winter sun 
(inconstant friend) 
your warmth
dances to & fro
with such flirtation
so many footprints
on the snowy path 
side by side by side —
as if everyone 
not here is here 
the cherry trees
are counting
days & nights
before budding
on the rim
of winter the rim
of spring
the cold inside me
begins to melt


Published in International Tanka, N0. 5, 2019

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