Legislative Update

By Jen Quinn, Legislative and Political Director, Pennsylvania Chapter

As most of you know, the Pennsylvania budget was finally passed late on July 7th, and the legislature is now recessed for the summer. Given the multi-billion dollar surplus, we had the rare opportunity to advocate for and secure significant increases in conservation and weatherization funding.

  •     Clean Streams Fund - on farm soil and water conservation practices: $220 Million
  •     Commonwealth Financing Authority/DEP/PennVEST - water/sewer infrastructure projects: $320 Million
  •     State Parks & Outdoor Recreation Program (Growing Greener): $156 Million
  •     Department of Conservation & Natural Resources (DCNR) Agency increase over last year: $12.9 Million
  •     Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) & river basin commissions agency increase over last year: $14 Million
  •     Whole Home Repairs Act (new program) - addresses habitability issues, weatherization and energy efficiency. Will reduce blight, energy burden, and allow people to remain in their homes: $125 Million

We had countless lobby meetings, sent multiple action alerts, letters to the editor, and worked directly with the prime sponsors of Whole Home Repairs and Growing Greener to make this happen, and we should all celebrate this victory!

As is common with the budget, deals are often made, and, as of late, bad deals are often made to move the budget along. We know that Hb 2644 was part of a budget deal. This bill would lock in woefully inadequate oil and gas bonding amounts at $2500 for the conventional oil and gas industry for the next decade, and now sits on the Governor's desk. We're not expecting him to veto it.

The bonding provisions in this bill are actually a direct attempt to block Sierra Club’s petition to force an increase in the amount of money conventional gas drillers need to set aside to plug their wells. This legislation is a clear sign that a core part of the industry’s business model is to saddle the taxpayers with plugging costs, and we have a multi-prong strategy for fighting back, including a legal challenge on constitutional grounds.

We also saw Sb 275, which would preempt local governments from banning gas hookups in new construction and prevent electrification pass both chambers last week, but this has already been vetoed by the Governor, and we're not expecting the legislature to attempt a veto override.

We also saw the troubling trend of legislating via constitutional amendment continue. Sb 106 was not part of a budget deal but was passed late last week during the budget process. Sb 106 began as an attempt to change how we elect our Lieutenant Governor. Currently, candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor run separately and that can lead to people who don’t really like each other having to govern together. This bill would allow a candidate for Governor to pick their running mate (Lt. Gov). This wasn’t a concern for us, but late last year it was amended to include voter id requirements, election audits, and included limits on the powers of the Executive Branch (Governor) in response to Gov Wolf's use of executive power to handle the Covid 19 crisis and to join RGGI.

Very late on Thursday night, it was amended further to include a provision that would ban abortion in Pennsylvania and raise the voting age to 21. It was debated for three plus hours in the Senate Friday morning before passing and was passed by the House late Friday night. Constitutional amendments cannot be vetoed by the Governor. They must pass two legislative sessions (our next leg session will begin on January 1, 2023 and ends on November 30, 2024) and will then appear on an election ballot for the voters to decide. This could possibly end up on the May 2023 primary ballot, when voter turnout is typically lower, and please keep in mind Pennsylvania voters have voted “Yes” on the vast majority of ballot issues they've been presented with.

This blog was included as part of the August 2022 Sylvanian newsletter. Please click here to check out more articles from this edition!