This Week's Election And What's Ahead

We're writing to share an update following this week's elections and to let you know what to expect this week.

First, while Trump has a slight lead in the state, Pennsylvania’s twenty electoral votes are still up in the air. Votes will continue to be reported but that count is proceeding at a slower rate than elsewhere due to state restrictions against counting before the polls open.

Pennsylvania will certify its election results on or by November 23rd. However, we expect that the overwhelming majority of votes will be counted by Friday, November 6th, possibly even today.

We want to reinforce that this election process is normal. The only state that will certify its results the same week as Election Day is Delaware and most states certify their results in the last two weeks of November. No state reports its final results on election night, though some news outlets and networks will call races based on partial counts and exit polls.

We have seen — and will continue to see — the integrity of this election called into question with legal challenges or misinformation, as the President demonstrated himself early yesterday morning.

Countless people worked hard to connect with voters, including many of you, and these voters overcame extreme circumstances, including public health concerns and attempts to discourage or discount votes, and we must continue to fight to make sure their ballots are counted.

We are seeing an influx of mail in votes reflected in reports of counts in Pennsylvania, reflecting a shift of election results favoring Biden.

State level results are also limited at this time as we’re currently seeing the results of in-person voting. However, it’s important to remember Democrats cast nearly three times more mail-in and absentee ballots than Republicans and, as of now, almost 1 million of those ballots still need to be counted.

We’ll have a much better idea of state level results very soon and we’ll let you know once we have more concrete information. You can view the progress of the vote counting here.

Regardless of the outcome, our priority will be ensuring the integrity of the ballot against challenges at the state or federal level.

Stay tuned.