Speak Up In Support Of Pennsylvania's Most Critical Climate Policy!

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) just announced they'll be holding ten virtual public hearings for a proposed regulation to limit carbon emissions from power plants in Pennsylvania.

This regulation would link Pennsylvania to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a "cap-and-invest" program, which has cut carbon pollution in ten northeastern states by 45% and invested billions in clean energy and efficiency programs. 

As there is considerable opposition to RGGI from oil, gas, and coal polluters, it's critical that we show DEP as much support as possible for this critical climate policy.

Will you speak up for RGGI and climate action?

Register to speak at one of the following virtual hearings from December 8th* - 14th.

*The speaking slots on December 8th have been filled.

Dec 9th at 1pm (virtual hearing)   Dec 9th at 6pm (virtual hearing)  

Dec 10th at 1pm (virtual hearing)  Dec 10th at 6pm (virtual hearing)

Dec 11th at 9am (virtual hearing)  Dec 11th at 1pm (virtual hearing)

Dec 14th at 1pm (virtual hearing)  Dec 14th at 6pm (virtual hearing)

By participating in RGGI, Pennsylvania can achieve significant pollution reductions and spur economic development through investment in pollution reduction, renewable energy, and energy efficiency.

This critical climate program would create thousands of family-sustaining green jobs and help Pennsylvania, the third largest greenhouse gas polluting state, transition away from dirty fossil fuels and to clean, renewable energy solutions.

Please RSVP to testify in support of RGGI using one of the links above and help pave the way to a clean energy future in Pennsylvania!

Each speaker will have 5 minutes to give their remarks. Sign up today and secure your spot before all the spaces are filled.

We will follow up with talking points and to help prepare you to speak at your hearing. To learn more about RGGI, please visit sc.org/RGGI.