Call For Nominations For Our 2021 Chapter Election

Every year the Pennsylvania Chapter conducts an election for three at-large delegates to the Pennsylvania Chapter ExCom. The Chapter Nominations Committee is looking for dedicated members who want to take on the role of at-large member of Pennsylvania Chapter executive committee (Excom) by running as a candidate.

Please consider running yourself or suggesting someone who would be a strong candidate.

Sierra Club is dedicated to building a powerful and inclusive environmental movement and needs board members from diverse backgrounds and experiences to reach our highest potential. In addition to representatives of the nine Pennsylvania Groups, the Chapter Excom has six at-large members, three of whom are elected each year for a two-year term.

The Chapter Excom set the priorities, policies, and budget (with member input) that enable volunteers and staff to carry out Sierra Club’s mission. The Chapter Excom also reviews endorsements of candidates for elective political offices. The nominations committee (Thomas Au, Ellen Wright, and Wendi Taylor) encourages members from any region, background, race, gender or age to apply.

Each at-large Excom member is elected for a term of two years. Excom members may receive reimbursement for travel and lodging to attend Excom meetings. During this Covid pandemic time, the Chapter Excom has been meeting via Zoom and teleconferences and conducting some votes via email.

The Pennsylvania Chapter Excom is a working committee. All members are expected to devote sufficient time and energy to the tasks at hand. Each member is expected to:

  • Prepare for and attend at least four Excom meetings (possibly more) annually, as well as monthly conference calls, email, and other briefings.
  • Serve actively on one or more committees and/or task forces.
  • Participate in constructive engagement with and focus on the Sierra Club’s strategic priorities.
  • Represent and advance the Sierra Club and its programs, campaigns, and policies to various Sierra Club entities and diverse public audiences.
  • Work to build a broader movement to achieve our most important goals.

Applicants interested in serving should be:

  • Sierra Club PA Chapter members
  • Dedicated to the purposes and goals of the Sierra Club;
  • Committed to Sierra Club’s values of equity, inclusion and justice and the Jemez Principles of Democratic Organizing;
  • Able to think strategically, politically, and creatively about a range of environmental issues;
  • Able and willing to accept the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of an Excom member.

The nominations committee is seeking six candidates to fill the three at-large seats. Any person who is interested in becoming a candidate for at at-large seat on the Chapter Excom should submit a statement of interest to the nominations committee, which lists:

  1. Your personal contact information: Name, Address, E-mail address, Telephone
  2. Candidate statement (150 words max) for publication in on-line ballot
  3. Digital photo for publication in on-line ballot (optional)

Please fill out this form to contact our Nomination Committee.

Elections calendar

  • September 20th, 2020: Nominations will close and the nominatiions committee will review the submitted nominations.
  • September 28, 2020: The nominations committee will inform members who expressed an interest in being candidates but were not nominated of their option to have their name placed on the ballot by gathering 15 member signatures. Such a petition shall be submitted by October 12, 2020. If you do not hear from a member of the nominations committee by Sept. 29, please call Thomas Au at 717-234-7445.
  • October 14th, 2020: The nominations committee will submit a slate of candidates to the ExCom and send the nominee information to the Election Committee for on-line ballot development.
  • December 1st, 2020: The election will begin and an email ballot will be sent to all Pennsylvania chapter members for whom the chapter has an email address. At the same time, postcards will be sent to all Pennsylvania  members for whom the chapter does not have an email address.
  • December 31st, 2020: The election will close, after which the Election Committee will notify the ExCom and candidates of the result.