Nature Journaling Prompt #4: Movement In The Stillness

Sunlight coming through trees in a forest.


We're posting a nature journaling prompt & challenge each Friday in May to pique your curiosity and creativity over the weekend. This is week #4, and the final prompt in the series. Read the original post to learn how to make a nature journal and get the first three prompts & challenges!


Take a moment on your next walk in nature to come to a standstill and to notice that, while your surroundings may also seem to be still around you, many things are in fact moving.

Record all the things you noticed moving individually within the one still body of nature itself. -Inspired from Among Trees journal


Place both hands on (or fully embrace) a tree you are drawn to for at least 60 seconds. Block out everything else that is asking for your attention and find calmness in your moment with the tree.

Share a picture of "your tree" with us on facebook if you would like!

This series is being brought to you by Mary Jo Sonntag and Rachael Savtchenko, two of Sierra Club's outings leaders in Western PA. We thank them for helping Sierrans get outside and appreciate nature even amid a global pandemic!