Nature Journaling Prompt #3: Small Key Players


Small pink flowers among blades of grass. 

Photo by Fanny Gustafsson  

We're posting a nature journaling prompt & challenge each Friday in May to pique your curiosity and creativity over the weekend. This is week #3. Read the original post to learn how to make a nature journal and get the first two prompts & challenges!


Forests and other green spaces are often alluring due to their larger scale. These areas are complex ecosystems that rely on lots of small contributors.

Take a moment to look for something minute in your surroundings -- a small flower, a mushroom, a small insect, and write down your thoughts on its role in supporting the whole. -Inspired from Among Trees journal


Write a Haiku with the word "small" in it.

If you need a Haiku refresher, here’s how they go... There are 3 lines, the first line with 5 syllables, the second line with 7 syllables, and the 3rd line with 5. Play around with it and share your poetry with us on facebook or keep it to yourself.

Paint or draw a picture of the source of the strongest (or your favorite) smell you picked up on during this practice. Share your picture or experience with us on facebook if you feel called to.

This series is being brought to you by Mary Jo Sonntag and Rachael Savtchenko, two of Sierra Club's outings leaders in Western PA. We thank them for helping Sierrans get outside and appreciate nature even amid a global pandemic!