Veteran sees the Stars for First Time

I sat alone at night, while everyone in my camp slumbers and dreams of the majestic Green River. I watch the stars shine above the canyon wall at one of America's oldest national monuments: Dinosaur National Monument in Utah. I suddenly realize two things. This country we live in, despite all the human made problems is beautiful and always has been. This beauty can be seen in any part of the world, but such awe is right in our own backyard. The stars that shine above in the cosmos tell a story of creation and destruction that has played out for eons. In the empty vastness of space, tears fill my eyes, and I stare in amazement of the most important sight we humans can behold the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. I then wonder if we humans can one day put aside our petty differences and do everything we can to preserve nature's beauty right here on earth. I know that same beauty lies within all of us. Because we are in the universe and the universe is within us.







On a Rock