Outdoor Leadership Training for Veterans

This Fall, Military Outdoors will be hosting its military and veteran-specific Outing Leadership Training in Pennsylvania and Colorado. Please contact robert.vessels@sierraclub.org for more information and to RSVP.

October 14-16: Leadville, CO (at capacity)
Spring 2017, TBD: Tennessee 
Spring 2017, TBD: New York
(Dates and location are subject to change as we coordinate logistics.)

Are you a service member or veteran interested in leading others on outdoor adventures big or small? Then this training is for you!

Over the course of the weekend, participants will learn trip planning, risk and emergency management, recruitment and pre-trip screening, leadership and decision making skills, and group development. Sessions will be conducted as a large group inside as well as in smaller groups hiking on the local trails.

No prior outdoor or outings leadership experience necessary. Lodging and meals included.

Why should you join us for a weekend outdoors with fellow veterans?

  • Learn in a natural environment.
  • Being outdoors is great for your physical and mental well-being.
  • Follow on opportunities for specialized skills training such as orienteering, belaying, rappelling, rock climbing, and mountaineering courses. 
  • Become a community organizer and leader within your community.
  • Volunteer leadership opportunities within Military Outdoors and other Sierra Club outings programs.

Course goals:

  • To improve your skill and competence for conducting overnight outings that result in safe, happy and inspired participants.
  • To help you plan safe and successful outings
  • To enhance your competence and confidence in leading groups and in achieving good group behavior
  • To recognize that outings can inspire participants to further the conservation mission of the Sierra Club.

Participants will receive training for both OLT 101 and 201 Sierra Club certifications:

  • OLT 101 - Basic training that all leaders need to complete every 4 years to remain current.
  • OLT 201 - Advanced training that all leaders who lead overnight outings away from cars need to complete once (unless they haven't led in the last 4 years).

For more information and to apply, please contact robert.vessels@sierraclub.org.