Christopher Schuler

Press Releases

Trump, Zeldin Endangerment Finding Rollback Will Cost Lives, Endanger Public Health

Washington, DC – Today, the EPA announced that it will begin the formal process of reconsidering the 2009 Endangerment Finding, effectively stripping itself of its primary authority to…

Zeldin Announces EPA Will Illegally Terminate $20 Billion in Awards for Lowering Energy Costs for Families

Washington, DC – Last night, Administrator Lee Zeldin announced that the EPA is illegally terminating $20 billion in Congressionally-mandated funding already disbursed to lower energy costs,…

House Republicans Vote to Cut Essential Services for American People, Provide Massive Tax Breaks to Polluters

Washington, DC – Today, House Republicans passed legislation that makes dangerous cuts to essential services the American people rely on, dismantles critical environmental protections, and sacrifices…

Sierra Club FOIAs Key OMB and DOGE Personnel Communications

Washington, DC – The Sierra Club filed a Freedom of Information Act request this week seeking all external communications of key Office of Management and Budget and United States DOGE Service…

Zeldin’s EPA Urging Trump To Take Illegal Action That Will Endanger Americans

Washington, DC – After attempts by the Administration to hide it from the American public for days, the Washington Post has reported that EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin is urging Donald Trump…

Sierra Club Statement on House Adoption of FY25 Budget Resolution

Washington, DC – Tonight, House Republicans adopted a FY2025 Budget Resolution that makes dangerous cuts to essential services and paves the way for huge handouts to billionaires and the fossil…

Sierra Club Statement on Senate Adoption of FY25 Budget Resolution

Washington, DC – Early this morning, Senate Republicans adopted a FY2025 Budget Resolution that makes dangerous cuts to essential services and paves the way for huge handouts to billionaires and…

Trump, Zeldin Must Publicly Release EPA’s Endangerment Finding Recommendation on Climate Pollution

Washington, DC – Today, the Sierra Club called on Donald Trump and Lee Zeldin to publicly release the EPA’s recommendation on whether to strip the EPA of its authority to regulate climate…

Zeldin, EPA Push to Illegally Claw Back $20 Billion in Investments to Lower Costs, Address Climate Crisis

Washington, DC – In a bizarre rant posted to X, Administrator Lee Zeldin announced that the EPA will attempt to illegally claw back $20 billion in funding already disbursed to lower…

Sierra Club Statement on Trump Administration Dismantling Environmental Offices Across Government

Washington, DC - Today, the Trump Administration continued its assault on public health and safety, shuttering key environment offices across the federal government, including closing the…