Support our work in 2020!


Dear Supporter,

It’s been a tremendous year for Oregon’s public lands, climate justice, and the preservation of our democracy. Whether rallying hundreds of citizens to the State Capitol or working in local communities, you helped Sierra Club volunteers across Oregon to: 

  • Submit more than 100,000 comments in opposition to the Jordan Cove LNG Terminal and Pacific Connector Pipeline. That’s 10 times more than the state of Oregon has ever received on an environmental issue!

  • Pass legislation which prevents fracking in Oregon!!

  • Support dozens of issues ranging from tearing down dams to building up community solar and resilience!!!

To help support this work and so much more, please donate here!

Looking ahead to 2020, we have our work cut out for us! A large clear blue lake with evergreens alongside

  • Keep Waldo Wild! Waldo Lake is one purest bodies of water in the world and surrounded by spectacular forests, rivers, and mountain peaks. However, only half the lakeshore is protected so we’re leading the effort to protect 75,000 acres of those magical surroundings.

  • Stop Climate Change! We’ll be back in Salem to pass legislation which reduces greenhouse gases and stops any attempts from corporate polluters to weaken the laws which protect our environment.

  • Elect Environmental Leaders! This year we will be running our biggest voter contact effort ever! Together we will elect leaders at local, state, and national levels who will stand up to coal, oil, and other greedy special interests.

We can’t do this work without the help of our volunteers—and through the generosity of supporters like you. Every dollar you donate today stays here in Oregon to continue to protect rivers, forests, and so much more.

Please consider a donation to the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club. With a gift of $100, $250, $500 or more, we can continue to fight for clean air, clean energy, and a clean Oregon.

With your help, we can keep the momentum in 2020!


Trevor Kaul 
Oregon State Chapter Director