Outings Committee

The Outings Committee coordinates outings throughout Oregon, supporting recruitment, certification, and ongoing leadership of outings leaders.

2024 Outings Information Coming Soon!

The requirements for an outings leader are:

1) The Sierra Club's Outings Leader Trainer (OLT) 101 class is required every four years. It can be taken online: Outings Leader Training 101. Take the test and send me a copy of the certificate that you passed. All Portland/Vancouver outing leaders are current. Only two other people in the whole state, Bend's Mia MacCollin and Marys Peak's Jules Moritz, are current.

2) Red Cross Basic First Aid (CPR is optional), provided by the Red Cross and several other providers, is required every two years. We have someone local to Portland. Laura Lacy, who is herself an outing leader and certified to deliver that class for free. She is willing to come to Bend, Eugene, or Corvallis to do so. But COVID has put a stop to those classes. So everyone in Portland/Vancouver except Vancouver's Don Rose needs to take it before we lead another outing. Basic First Aid is sufficient for day hikes. But to lead hike-in overnight camping, wilderness first aid is required. It requires third-party instruction, but is good for three years. Mia MacCollin took it in 2019, so she and Moritz are the only people in the Oregon Chapter who could lead an outing right now.

3) Apprentice hikes. To get authorization to lead outings for the Sierra Club, a new leader must plan and lead an outing with a currently certified outing leader along to observe and judge whether or not they are ready. Practically speaking, this means the apprentice hike is invariably preceded by an outing where the leader-to-be follows a currently certified leader and takes notes. In Bend, you can have Mia conduct the apprentice outings and send me a statement saying you're ready. For Eugene and Corvallis that means you a) have to go to Bend or Portland for a couple of outings, or b) Mia or someone from Portland/Vancouver has to travel to where you are and do that. I am willing to do so.