Welcome Oregon Chapter's New Fellow, Mariah Shriner!

Welcome Mariah!

Mariah Shriner (she/her/hers), Volunteer Coordinator
Mariah Shriner grew up in Portland, OR before moving halfway across the country to St. Paul, MN for college. She graduated from Macalester College with a degree in Anthropology, minors in American Studies and History, and a concentration in Human Rights and Humanitarianism. While in college, Mariah spent five months in Nepal, learning Nepali language and culture, and completing research on earthquake response and preparedness, which formed the basis of her senior honors’ thesis. She would love to chat more about earthquakes, community disaster response, travel, and more!
Having grown up hiking, camping, and exploring the natural world in the beautiful PNW, it was perhaps inevitable that Mariah turned to environmental activism in college, organizing with Fossil Free Macalester and attending COP23 in Bonn, Germany in 2017. She has served as Co-Hub Coordinator for Sunrise PDX, a local chapter of the Sunrise Movement, since its launch in March 2019, and is passionate about building community for young people who are working to create a better future for everyone.
Following graduation and a year of adventures, which included canvassing for PCEF, launching Sunrise PDX, and interning for Senator Merkley in D.C., Mariah is grateful to be spending the year as a fellow with Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS) -- a program that emphasizes community, service, and spirituality. Through QVS, Mariah will be serving as the Volunteer Coordinator for the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club. She is excited to continue her involvement with climate action and delve more deeply into organizing work and environmental justice as part of the Sierra Club team -- and especially to work with all of the amazing volunteers!
In her free time, Mariah loves to travel, bike, garden, and just generally get outside in any way possible. She loves the Pacific Northwest… the glorious mountain views, how green everything is, and, yes, even the rain. When you stop by the office, start a conversation about your favorite native plant or animal!
Contact Mariah at Mariah.shriner@sierraclub.org.