Driver’s Licenses for All Bill Closer to Passage!

Driver’s Licenses for All Bill Closer to Passage!
On Wednesday, May 22, the Joint Committee on Transportation voted to refer the Equal Access to Roads Act (HB 2015) to the Ways and Means Committee. This moves the bill one step closer to being passed and making sure that not one more person is separated from their families over a simple traffic stop.
You can help make sure this important bill moves forward by contacting your legislators and letting them know that this bill is important to you. The countdown for getting bills passed this legislative session has started and your legislators need to hear from you to counter the hate and xenophobia from the opponents of this bill. We are working with our friends from Causa, Oregon’s Immigrant Rights organization, to generate 5,000 emails into legislative offices this week. Will you help us get there by sending an email today and sharing this link with 5 of your friends?