No Room for Zenith in Portland!

 Oil train derailment in Mosier, OR. 2016.
By Rick Nunno
Carrying crude oil extracted from the tar sands in Canada, hundreds of rail cars travel through several U.S. states, along the Columbia River Gorge, through densely populated urban areas en-route to the Portland rail yard. Zenith Energy, a Houston-based company, endangers the lives of thousands and threatens our environment with the shipping of this petroleum. The Oregon Chapter Sierra Club works with a coalition of environmental and human rights groups, Zenith Collaborative Coalition, to fight against this fossil-fueled threat.
In Dec. 2017, Zenith Energy bought the facilities in the Northwest Portland rail yard. With this purchase came permits granted to a previous company, allowing for the movement and shipment of less toxic asphalt. Instead, Zenith reportedly uses a toxic chemical called naptha (a carcinogen) to allow their partially solidified petroleum to flow into ships for export overseas. According to shipment records in 2018 and early 2019, oil tankers owned by Chevron have shipped the product to China, South Korea, and other overseas locations. 
Zenith cannot be trusted to ensure the public safety, given its recent spill preparedness drill substituting diesel instead of tar sands crude which is in violation of agreed state regulations. To date, Zenith still has yet to demonstrate any competent ability to respond to a tar sands oil spill or other emergencies. Given the numerous oil train derailments and explosions occurring locally, nationally, and the around the world, as well as our collective resolve to prevent tar sands oil from being exported, we must work to prevent Zenith or any other company from exploiting our transport infrastructure to support their nefarious enterprises. 
On April 21, in commemoration of Earth Day, members of our coalition blocked a small portion of railroad track in front of Zenith's terminal as a protest of the city of Portland's lack of response to Zenith's egregious activities. Some protesters placed dirt and straw over the tracks and planted a "Victory Garden", urging the City Council to rezone the whole area as "open space" for public use. On April 22, Earth Day saw eleven protesters arrested and booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center on suspicion of criminal trespassing. They were held in the detention center for at least one night before release. (Disclaimer: Oregon Chapter Sierra Club had no part in this nonviolent direct action.) 
Thus far, Mayor Wheeler claims that he cannot stop Zenith's operations despite Portland’s 2015 resolution comprehensively opposing all new fossil fuel infrastructure. Portland Commissioners and city government can and must do more to stop this atrocity. The state government should not enable petroleum companies in endangering residents or contributing to mass global carbon emissions for short-term profits. This is a clear example of a rogue corporation choosing profit over people and planet. We must work together as a city and a state to develop creative solutions to this public safety threat.
To learn more about our campaign against Zenith and get involved, email the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club or visit

Upcoming Event:

Community Forum on Zenith’s Tar Sands Oil Expansion
Thurs. May 2nd - 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. 
Augustana Lutheran Church. Lower Level, Social Hall. 
2710 NE 14th Ave. Portland. 97212
This is the fourth in a series of community forums designed to inform the public Zenith Energy's ongoing expansion of their Portland tar sands oil facility. Speakers will discuss how this facility's operations can harm people, urban wildlife, city, rivers, region, and climate.