Blog posts from around the country
Angeles Chapter
The Sierra Club has joined an environmental lawsuit challenging the Nov. 8, 2004, decision of the Orange County Board of Supervisors to approve the application of Rancho Mission Viejo for a massive development known as the Ranch Plan.
Angeles Chapter
Looking for an exotic trip without leaving the country? Join the third Angeles Chapter-sponsored Natural and Wild Florida trip. Participants will snorkel in a coral reef, swim with manatees, and tour the Everglades, among other adventures.
Angeles Chapter
Mammoth from the Inside: The Honest Guide to Mammoth & the Eastern Sierra, by Colleen Dunn Bates, Prospect Park Publishing,, $15.95
Angeles Chapter
The year began with news dominated by reports of death and destruction following the massive Indonesian earthquake. At first the death toll was counted in the thousands, then the tens of thousands, then over a hundred thousand.
Angeles Chapter
A critical deadline has been reached in the campaign to save the Soka property in the heart of the Santa Monica Mountains.
Angeles Chapter
On Thanksgiving eve, young environmental crusaders Juan Martinez and Andrew Anderson presented the Mexican rock band, Maná, with a Sierra Club-sponsored Green Award at the La Banda Elastica Latin Alternative Music Awards.
Angeles Chapter
Trying to make sense of regulations can be hazardous to your patience. Being green in one's everyday affairs always involves a little extra work.
Angeles Chapter
and DeLise Keim The Sierra Club has officially opposed the proposed Las Lomas development in the Newhall Pass just north of Sylmar, at the northwest corner of the Interstate 5 and State Route 14 interchange.