Blog posts from around the country
Angeles Chapter
Pull out your environmentally friendly décolletage, your super-macho tight jeans, and a throw-caution-to-the-wind attitude and come party with the Sierra Club at the annual Chapter Awards Banquet.
Angeles Chapter
The Mt. Abel (Cerro Noroeste) Bike-n-Ski trip has appeared in the Schedule of Activities for several years in a row, but for various reasons (mostly due to lack of snow) it has not gone on for some time.
Angeles Chapter
and Jan Kidwell The good news among all the gloom and doom is that you can easily be carbon neutral by making an annual contribution to a carbon offset program such as the Climate Trust, which funds projects and programs that reduce carbon dioxide
Angeles Chapter
Two of the four cougars radio-collared by the National Park Service last year were found dead in December in the Simi Hills.
Angeles Chapter
Many energy companies, as well as the Bush administration, are very fond of telling us that renewable energy may be an option...20 or 40 years from now. Much of the rest of the world, however, is not adhering to this timetable.
Angeles Chapter
Greenhouse gases trap solar energy that is reflected by the atmosphere and the earth's surface in the form of heat; major greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
Angeles Chapter
The Bush administration's refusal to deal with global warming seems inexplicable. Rising oceans and temperatures, after all, do not selectively spare Republicans, Texans, or oil executives.