Join Community Solar and Support Our Work

Climate science tells us that unless we see significant emissions reductions by 2030, we will not be able to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Electricity production is the second largest[1] contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S., representing a massive opportunity to strengthen our decarbonization efforts. As a consumer, your choices absolutely make a difference — one simple way that you can support the transition to renewable energy is to join a community solar farm at no cost to you in your area. 

If your home is one of the approximately 80% of Massachusetts residences that aren't able to install solar on site, Relay Power can help you “go solar” without any installation. It costs nothing to join, participants see savings from day one, and it’s a simple process. By voting with your dollar, you can help facilitate more clean energy production right here in Massachusetts.

The transition to renewable energy is an important part of a just recovery from the Covid-19 and climate crises we’re facing; by supporting clean energy we’re building a regenerative economy — one of five principles of the People’s Bailout. Participating also demonstrates to state representatives that you support a sustainable future for Massachusetts.

It shouldn't come as a huge surprise that jobs in the US have disappeared quickly due to the Covid-19 crisis. The clean energy industry has been hit particularly hard. Massachusetts has been a leader on climate action and built a strong green economy, but since February 2020, the Massachusetts solar industry has lost 4,284 jobs[2] (that's 52%)! Joining a community solar farm also supports local businesses, and will help add jobs back into the industry as our state begins to re-open. 

We know that times are tough, which is why Relay Power will give each member who enrolls a $100 Visa pre-paid card, in addition to savings from the program, and will match that with a $100 donation to Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter. With your help we're aiming to raise $25,000 and add 2.5 megawatts of solar to the grid. Since we launched this partnership in February, we've already raised $1,100 but we need your help to meet our ambitious goal.

It’s easy to enroll by talking to a clean energy specialist to see if you are a good fit. We know everyone has a lot on their plate during this time, so the process is short and simple. Exploring and joining the program only takes about 30 minutes. The mission-driven team at Relay Power has a proven track record of connecting residents to local solar farms, and they're committed to helping us transition to local, renewable energy. 

Relay Power quote from Greg N

Visit to learn more about how we can make an impact with Relay Power and schedule a phone consultation. We hope you’ll make the switch! 



[1] Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

[2] COVID-19 Impacts on the U.S. Solar Industry