Lawmakers: Pass A Comprehensive Climate Bill This Session!

To protect ratepayers from rising utility bills and meet the Commonwealth’s climate net zero emissions mandate by 2050, the Legislature must pass a comprehensive climate bill this session that includes provisions to begin a gradual, managed transition off methane gas to clean heat for homes and buildings. 

The following four essential gas provisions found in the Senate climate bill originate primarily from recommendations for legislation contained in the DPU’s 20-80 order on the Future of Gas and recommendations from the GSEP Working Group established by the Legislature in 2022.

  1. Redefine the definition of gas companies to sell not just gas but also non-emitting, renewable thermal energy (i.e., networked geothermal systems)
  2. Require gas companies to prioritize alternatives to installing new gas pipes that account for greenhouse gas emission reduction mandates and protect ratepayers from unnecessary costs.
  3. Permit gas companies to meet their legal “obligation to serve” gas to customers by providing them with heat, not solely gas
  4. Expand the infrastructure eligible for GSEP to include installing networked geothermal infrastructure, repairing significant gas leaks, and retiring gas pipes; and, where feasible, prioritize these alternatives to costly pipe replacement

Further, the Legislature must build a pathway to clean energy union careers by encouraging the use of certified apprenticeship programs in workforce training programs and requiring applicants for state clean energy funding to demonstrate a proven track record of safety and labor compliance.

If the Legislature does not pass these provisions, families’ gas bills will continue to rise as gas companies spend a billion dollars every year installing new gas pipes statewide. These new pipes will last 100 years, take 60 years to be paid off by ratepayers, but most won't be used after 2050 because over 80% of buildings will have transitioned off gas to electricity. Metaphorically, this is like "taking a giant mortgage out on your horse stable while your electric car is on order."

We must start the transition off gas to efficient, clean heat now by passing a comprehensive climate bill that includes the essential clean heat provisions.

-- Sierra Club and Gas Transition Allies