Reflections on Elections

Dear Friends,

We can breathe again!  The election in Massachusetts and nationally resulted in a marked uptick in climate champions and allies joining the ranks of our legislative bodies.

Our Massachusetts Sierra Club’s political committee did an outstanding job this election season: vetting, researching, discussing and endorsing dozens of candidates.  The ExCom then quickly and readily took up the discussions, and followed through with quick decisions.  Many of you joined the ranks of Lilly Lombard’s Climate Callers and inspired our members across the state to volunteer and vote for those environmental candidates – with inspiring results including wins from Tram Nguyen, Becca Rausch, and many more of our allies.  We can thank Jay Gonzalez for his championing of environmental issues –one great result of his candidacy is that Charlie Baker claimed Climate as a top priority for his next term. 

Yes, we still have much work ahead - with Mayor Walsh, Governor Baker, and Speaker DeLeo. Our leadership still is moving too slowly on climate and environmental protections, but we will continue building our movement and alliances –training more people to advocate with their representatives for climate action! 

Yes, today we breathe a sigh of relief.  And we settle in for the long haul.

This Saturday, we will be having an activist training at our offices in Boston – to talk about what climate policies we need to advance in Boston, and how to advocate to our representatives. 

Next Tuesday, we will deliver a climate leadership training to Northeastern University’s students. 

The following Saturday, we will be providing a Climate Activist training in Dorchester. 

We continue our campaign to reform DPU – not only for better safety and consumer protection oversight, but also to remove the barriers to bringing more renewables on line.     

We continue to work with resident climate champions across the state to bring sustainable practices and 100% renewable to their communities. 

We continue to advocate for greater efficiency; better preservation of our air, waters and lands; plastic reductions; and the transition to a renewable energy economy.

Yes, but today, we can rest and reflect in the knowledge that awareness is growing, Perhaps today (which is beautiful) is a day best spent exploring and enjoying the outdoors that we are working so hard to protect.

Thank you each for your advocacy, your volunteer leadership, your generous financial support, and the millions of other ways that you are part of the Massachusetts Sierra Club team. 

We will be having our annual holiday party at our Federal Street offices on Wednesday, December 12th, at 5 pm, and we hope to see you here!

In gratitude,
