“Leaving the Carbon Economy” tells Sue Butler’s story

Sue Butler outside the Albany NY theater

The Albany, NY chapter of the Sierra Club recently hosted MA Sierra Club member Sue Butler, at an evening presentation, “Eco-Chat: Sustainable You, Sustainable Me,” which included a screening of the film,” Leaving the Carbon Economy” and a very lively discussion.

"Leaving the Carbon Economy" tells Sue Butler’s story. One eco-savvy homeowner, frustrated with her carbon footprint, dug up her property, literally, to make a change. This 15-minute film shows Sue Butler’s thinking and decision making process as she re-engineers her life and her house to get her carbon footprint as close to zero or below as possible. She is getting close, and may even in the end, make extra electricity, and sell it to the grid, thereby going carbon negative.

"A great story about how one household can go all the way. One house has moved off imported energy and onto new technologies gathering all its energy from sunshine that lands in the lot. See the film; change your life too."
--Emily Norton, Chapter Chair Massachusetts Sierra Club

"Your individual initiative could scale to the governments of countries large or small: dissatisfaction with carbon footprint can lead to big changes. 
We do what we can, professionally or in personal lives. Your approach is measurably reducing carbon emissions, an inspiration to many."
--Professor Leslie Keith Norford
Dept of Building Technology, MIT Department of Architecture

Sue Butler speaking at a podium

The lively discussion that followed was far ranging and practical. How do I shrink my carbon footprint? What should I start with? This worked.. that didn’t. Lots of ideas from the audience about how best to get into action to cut our carbon emissions.

Conserve energy! Get on renewables! The climate is bad and getting worse fast. What changes will you make to help the earth’s climate heal?

Do you have a group of 3 or 20 who might like to participate in such a screening and discussion? This presentation is available to any group, large or small, who wants to mobilize!

Please call the Massachusetts Sierra Club Office (617 423 5775) to plan a gathering.

Call. Mobilize! Bring a friend, bring a buddy, help each other to cut carbon!