Get There on Our Own Steam: Biking to the People's Climate March

Get There on Our Own Steam Slideshow

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Day 2: Ready to ride, participant 1

Day 2: Ready to ride, participant 2

Day 2: Ready to ride, participant 3

Day 2: Ready to ride, participant 4

Day 2: Ready to ride, participant 5

Day 2: Recognition from the pulpit

Day 2: Recognition in the program

Day 2: Gathered together, all of the bicyclists

Day 2: Up on the bikes

Dineen and Tom, ready to go in Sierra wear!

Last minute shopping before the trip begins

A wise word to start the trip.

Three of the travelers, getting ready to ride

Ready to ride, and all smiles!

Starting point: the Building Hope banner outside a church

Be the Church saying.

Saddle up!

The entire team, taking cover on a front porch.

On the road!

Gear art!

The entire team, ready to head for DC.

A sheet of paper with "Blessing the Boats" poem

Friends ready to start the trip to DC

Even in the rain, they ride!

Smiles in the rain

"We’re biking more than 360 miles to the People’s Climate March to embody our belief in the necessity to move beyond fossil fuels." What a challenge, and what a commitment! Join the Sierra Club of Massachusetts in sponsoring and following this intergenerational group of climate activists as they ride their bikes from Northampton to the People's Climate March.

In Their Own Words

A description of the purpose of the bike ride from MA to DC for the People's Climate March

For more information, or to make a contribution to help the group get to the People's Climate March in DC, visit the Get There on Our Own Steam Go Fund Me page.