It's Time to Pass the Build Back Better Act


We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to shape our society and economy for decades to come by passing the Build Back Better Act. For months, this cornerstone of President Biden's climate agenda has been linked with a bipartisan infrastructure bill. Congress understood that the two bills must move together or both wouldn’t have the support needed to pass.

But now attempts are growing to decouple the two -- to push through passage of the smaller bipartisan infrastructure deal as soon as tomorrow while leaving the bold climate and social investments in the Build Back Better Act vulnerable to further cuts or possible failure. That is unacceptable -- we need both. We are calling on Congress to preserve this historic climate and social justice legislation by passing Build Back Better before the bipartisan infrastructure deal.

Join us in raising your voice on social media to say #NoClimateNoDeal!


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The bipartisan infrastructure deal is not enough -- #NoClimateNoDeal! Text THRIVE to 69866 to call your rep and tell them to pass the full Build Back Better Act to fund:
- clean energy & climate action
-fixing lead pipes
-public transit
-job creation
-healthcare & paid leave
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#BuildBackBetter is the most ambitious climate legislation in the history of the US. Our window of opportunity to pass it is right now! Take action: Tell Congress to pass it before they move on the bipartisan infrastructure deal: #NoClimateNoDeal
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We need YOU to call your representative! This is our once-in-a-generation chance to pass bold climate action. We can't afford to miss it. Text THRIVE to the number 69866 to be connected to your rep and ask them to pass the full Build Back Better Act! #NoClimateNoDeal
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Copy and paste our sample posts below:

We’re living through a pandemic, economic crisis, racial injustice, and climate chaos. Now is the time for bold investment that uplifts all our people. We need @SenateDems and @HouseDemocrats to fight for us and to pass the Build Back Better Act! This means:
🔌 clean energy & climate action
🚊 public transit
🏠 affordable green housing
🧕 care work, paid leave & childcare
👷 millions of good jobs
✊🏾 labor & racial equity standards
Call your Member of Congress and tell them to pass the full Build Back Better Act to invest in climate action, education, healthcare, jobs and justice → #NoClimateNoDeal

I'm fighting to pass the Build Back Better Act as our best chance at passing bold action on climate, child care, paid leave, education, housing & jobs! #NoClimateNoDeal Join @SierraClub's virtual action nights on Tuesdays or phone banks on Thursdays to help get #BuildBackBetter over the finish line! RSVP at

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Download these illustrated graphics (available in English and Spanish). Please provide the following credit to the artist: Illustrations by Cori Nakamura Lin; Tag on Instagram